Chapter Twenty Six

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A/n: UPDATE!!! I know, it took forever for me to get this up and it was much over my max two weeks, but exams have been crazy and it is slowly staring to die down, so now I have this REALLY long chapter for you all. It will not be perfect, I have not checked spelling and grammar since I slight rushed with writing.
But don't forget to comment and hit that star button at the bottom of the page!
Enjoy! TaylorLeFay

Chapter Twenty Six:

My heart pounded in my chest.

I watched as Gailsman began to smile mischievously as looked up to the crowd where it seemed that everyone was watching in anticipation but seemed tired by this repetitive act.

"Lucas Alston," he screamed, my heart now racing, "Vendetta High."

Lucas Alston.

My head whipped to the side from looking at the ground and my eyes searched the whole area trying to find who Lucas Alston was.

But as I looked, all I was met with was unfamiliar faces. All I saw was the pity running through them and the stillness of them all indicating that they were not my new partner.

I could not see my friends either. I tried looking for a few seconds to try get some support. But I couldn't find them and seemed to have given up.

By now, my foot was a very sharp ache which pretty much awakened inside of me. It felt like I was being burnt alive and I just couldn't handle the pain. But still, I stood straight and never wavered. I was not going to show weakness and I was not going to let my partner down. And simultaneously, everyone parted directly in front of me and I knew that Lucas was coming.

I couldn't see him at first. The dark night and the small lit fires created some hues of light, but other than that it was pretty dark. But I stood there. Waiting. With so many people here, you couldn't begin to tell how far he had to walk from. It wasn't long before he became in seeing distance and I seemed to freeze.

My heart beat slowed as I first saw him.

He obviously didn't get an easy way out of his fight. It seemed that it was just as brutal as mine. His clearly sharp defined face was black and blue, at least what it seemed to be from the little light I was getting. He was clearly tall, definitely towering over me by a few inches, but then again, any guy towered over me,

Another thing I noticed was that he was strong. You could clearly see his defined muscles through his shirt and from the few tears in it. The tears were ripped downwards and you could tell it was done by some guy who had grabbed roughly at his dark long sleeved shirt.

As he grew even closer I could see the hard expression on his face and I suddenly began to feel nervous and anxiously thought that it might've been because he was partnered with me. But I mentally hit myself and stared right back at him not backing down.

We made eye contact as we stared at each other and that was when I could see just how bright his eyes were. A prominent electric blue colour they were. They glowed in the dark night and seemed as if they could just light up.

His dark black hair was messy on the top of his head. Clearly coated with some blood around the roots of it, which trailed down his forehead but it didn't gross me out or made me cower away.

But it was when he finally stopped before me I realised how tall he was. Most guys reached just above me. But Lucas reached at least six foot high. But seeing him up close, just before me, it was obvious that people would find him intimidatingly and admittedly I was a little intimidated.

But there was no way I was going to show him.

He stood in front of me gruffly, a hard look still on his face and I could see from just behind him that everybody was staring at us, not sure how to react. Hell, I wasn't sure how to react.

Her Only Chance (UNEDITED, NEW ONE ON PROFILE)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن