Chapter Seventy Two

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I will be having (TRYING) to have much more regular updates now . I will be aiming to update once a day to three days, but that will depend on how quickly I can write the chapters. I hope you are all loving this story and actually like it. I try my best and can't wait until it is finished to see the final result!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! And check out that song ^^^^ that's my song of the day choice!!!!!!!!

Enjoy! TaylorLeFay


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Chapter Seventy Two:

Walking down the sand dune hill was a nightmare.

With every step I was terrified of plummeting straight down. Due to it being very steep, we had to take careful steps, also considering the fact that the sand was not stable and instead with every step I almost slipped due to how unstable the sand was.

Even though from a distance what laid up ahead was quite visible, it was definitely much farther than what I had anticipated it to be.

It took hours before we had reached the bottom of the hill, my legs were on fire. For some reason, it was much harder going down than up. At least up the strengthening in my legs were stable, whereas down I had to constantly tread on tip toes praying that I would not be sent flying.

I felt sweat coat my face like a second skin, and from behind Lucas I saw beads of sweat dripping down his neck from his dark hair. Where I would usually cringe at the sight, it did not bother me anymore.

I knew I did not fair any better.

But when we were on the flat land, my legs relaxed a little in relief and we continued onwards. It again to much longer than I had thought but eventually we approached the dark, wide structure falling deep within the ground.

All around, I could only see golden yellow sand and a sky so blue that it hurt when I looked up for two long. Constantly, my vision was restricted as no matter how much I attempted to protect my eyes, grains of sand kept falling in them and dug deep causing a deep itchy irritation within me that I just could not scratch out.

Eventually, I fell along side Lucas as we approached what appeared to be a huge ravine.

We stepped closer to the edge, the ground now growing rock solid beneath us and stopped a few safe metres from the edge.

We seemed to have found the beginning of one as suddenly the ground parted into a huge hole that fell straight down. Hundreds of metres deep, with a large blue river running along the middle of it.

I was not sure where the water was coming from, but watched in desperation as the dryness in my mouth was reinforced and I watched the water flow for hundreds of metres ahead of me.

There was no possible way to cross the ravine from the left and the right as hundreds of feet separated the large wall of rocks. I took a step closer and quickly paused as I felt rocks shift below me and jumped back as they began to slide downwards into the ravine.

Lucas quickly grasped my arm and scolded me, "Careful!"

I stumbled backwards and we took a few steps further back, well and truly avoiding the edge.

Her Only Chance (UNEDITED, NEW ONE ON PROFILE)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن