Chapter Sixty Six

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I know it has been a while and this is only a short chapter. I have started school again and everything has been crazy and I have had no time recently. I hope I can write more. But here is a quick update. I am so sorry but please bare with me. Good news is I have prepared the rest of the story and planned it all so now all I have to do it write.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! And check out that song ^^^^ that's my song of the day choice!!!!!!!!

Enjoy! TaylorLeFay


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Chapter Sixty Six:

The sky grew darker. Or maybe it was because the trees grew ever thicker and taller, if possible.

The afternoon light only allowed minimal lighting to pass through the now thicker leaves and smaller holes within the trees.

We were well in the woods by this point, hours have flown by and we were moving at a slow walk. After all the running we had to rest. We drank only a bit of our water and food that we had packed within our backpack. Everything had to be rationed very carefully because the last thing we wanted was to run out of supplies and starve of die of dehydration.

We followed a very non distinct path, trampled leaves and footprints of previous people here well before us. It was getting harder and harder to see the path as it grew darker, only helped by a deep orange glow that somehow made it almost as dark and not brighter like expected.

Instead the orange almost scared me. The dark woods to be matched with a gloomy bright orange eye only screamed danger to me. It was impossible to see what was lurking further than a ten metres radius around us.

The only noise was the little whistle of birds, the wind through the trees, and our soft padding through the woods. We were not as loud this time considering most of the leaves remained in the trees rather than coating our path besides the stray few leaves.

From beside me, Lucas was unsheathing and sheathing his scimitar sword. The squeal of the blade being the only distinct noise within the woods. And where I would usually be more cautious about the amount of noise it was making and what it could be attracting, I instead found comfort within it.

Under his breath, he hummed a familiar tune which I was sure I had heard of before.

"Why does that sound so familiar," I said out loud. It felt weird talking after not talking for a while, especially in the relatively quiet woods. It was almost like I broke an unspoken rule of the woods.

His humming paused, although he continued to play with his sword. Now spinning it around in some cool pattern, a distinct whoosh noise was made after every spin. "It was an old nursery rhyme my mum use to sing to me when I was younger."

His sword swung around, a whooshing noise travelling throughout the woods. It echoed only silently as I nodded my head.

"Know the name of it?"

He laughed, it was silent like a whisper, a mere chuckle as he inclined his head towards mine. His electric blue eyes peered at me and they seemed to glow as the orange light reflected off of them.

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