"I just think she's a very good match for you, a girl like that is hard to come by, in life...She brought you so many gifts when you were sick; It already screams that she's one in a million, just by caring about you that much! So your dad and I, both, think that you're responsible enough to have a girl over without us being there."

"Damnit, that old fart told you what we talked about, didn't he?! I'm gonna kill him!!"

Mitsuki crossed her arms, "If you say something to him about it, I'll ground you forever! No video games, no music, no tv, no going out!!! There will be nothing in your room but a dirty old futon and textbooks!!"

"You two are being extra annoying about it!! I'm not asking that stupid girl out!"

"Hah?! And why not?!" She used the same tone as her son, making it look like they were arguing in front of a few third-year students that were passing by.

"Because I don't want a fucking relationship with anyone! & you can't even ground me for feeling that way, so FUCK YOU—!"

"Oh...." Mitsuki softened her voice, pulling out a different approach to the situation. "I guess I can't force you to do anything you don't want...But Katsu; do you remember grade school well enough?"


"You were so young, I bet you forgot all about that time in your life. But there was one day, where I chaperoned your class during a field trip to a museum.

As soon as we were getting ready to hop in the bus, Manato showed up with [____], and she was crying about not wanting her dad to leave. I was going to grab her hand for the rest of that day, but then you...You did something unexpected to make her stop crying.

Do you remember what you did?....It was the first time I saw you being nice to a girl. I bet if you treat her that way again, everything will be go much smoother for the two of you.

Falling in love....I know it sounds scary at first; But I want you to know, that it's definitely one of the best feelings you could ever have. So cherish every moment of it. Ok?"

Bakugo kept his menacing stare as his mother reminded him of memories he could care less about. "Change that expression. You look more handsome when you don't frown. Well, I have to go catch a flight. So tell all of your friends I said goodbye and I will see all of you at the exams, tomorrow.

You're a shitty son, but you're not a bad person. You know? You deserve all of the love and affection your friends and [____] have to offer."

After her strange and overwhelming parting words; Bakugo stood in the hallway, not knowing what else to do but play with a lock of his spiky hair— that was covering one of his eyes so he had to move it, either way.

"...What is up with that woman? Giving me that type of advice, out of the blue.......t's gross as fuck."


'I wonder what Todoroki wants to talk about...' [____] kept her worries to herself as she walked behind one of her teammates. 'Could he be upset with me about my test scores?! Of course!! He brought me here to call me stupid and quit our team because he realized what a dumbass I am!! Ahhh, this sucks!!

Wait a minute, this could actually be a good thing!! If what Katsuki told me earlier was the truth, then Todoroki can't ask me out after seeing that I'm academically handicapped—'

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