"That's just normal. You can always improve your skills so don't beat yourself up about it. The train is coming in 15; I say let's use Kaminari's money and get a muffin."

"My offer was only for her, not you!" Denki proclaimed; though he still ended up purchasing one for Sero.


"This raspberry muffin smells really good; doesn't it?" [____] held on to the small pastry and took a couple of casual whiffs before taking a bite. "Thank you, Kaminari!"

"I got the regular oatmeal one— All that extra stuff makes it a little too sweet for my taste..." Sero looked at his, then back at Denki's. "A banana nutted in yours, ha. Get it?"

"You're just jealous 'cause [____] and I have the same taste buds while yours are basic." Kaminari placed his arm around her shoulder, which she tried to back out of. "It's okay, [____], I won't bite unless you ask me to."

"If Bakugo was here you'd seriously be dead." As Hanta sighed, he separated his exam partner from the girl using minimal strength to push him away.

"Are you her body guard, now?"

"Guys, I hate to interrupt but the train is here..." [____] wasn't even thinking about their chat, she was reciting Katsuki's notes in her head the entire time. "I hope we can all pass this test...."

'I also hope Katsuki will talk to me, today....'


The two missing team members, besides Mina, were already walking their way to school. They had taken the train one hour earlier since Kirishima wanted to spend some 'bro time' with his best friend. "And then— I ended up buying the DLC but I thought it was going to include all twelve of the new characters from the game. It was a total rip off! I ended up getting the six worst personas I could of just waited 'til next month to buy it—"

"Shitty hair, this story is boring me to death."

Eijiro acted hurt by his blunt words. "Well, then, here's something you might find interesting. Did you know that Todoroki is actually your love rival?"

Katsuki fixed his posture only out of anger. "...What the fuck are you talking about?!"

"Love rival. You know, he's interested in [____], too. We saw him yesterday after you stormed out— [____] bought me breakfast and he was there. He kept staring at her."

"I don't give a shit if icyhot has a thing for fat cheeks— You better quit making shit up!! I don't like that girl!"

"Bakubro, when are you going to stop pretending?" Kirishima shook his head, "She even told me you asked her out to dinner. Dude, you know I support you and I would never judge you for falling in love, it's a very manly thing. So why not just own up to it?"

Instead of denying his case, Bakugo stared at the ground while he continued to walk, a little flustered. "....That's none of your fucking business."


"Here are your tests. You only have 40 minutes to finish— Once this is over you will have free period for the rest of the day but I shall advice you to use your time wisely and prepare for the combat exam on Wednesday instead of slacking off." For some reason, Mr. Aizawa was looking straight at Kaminari as he instructed; handing a stack of papers to each student who sat in the front of the class. "Pass them on."

'I won't fail! I won't fail! I'm going to give it my all and pass this test! Katsuki is gonna be proud of me— Even though I only had less than 24 hours to study for this, I'm going to make sure I get a good grade!!'

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