I'm so nervous...Even with my eyes closed, it feels like everybody is looking at us but they're most likely not even caring about what we do...'

'Relax, [____]....Just remain calm...' She gave herself instructions in her head. 'Now; pucker your lips, but not too hard...Don't make yourself look ugly on purpose!! ...Stand in your tippy toes...Now, place your hands on his chest for support and then—'

She ended up touching the glass and almost kissing it, since Bakugo moved away a few seconds before she could reach him.

He laughed when she hit her forehead from not opening her eyes on time. "What an idiot."

"That's mean! Katsuki, you would really treat a girlfriend like this?!"

"Look who's talking— You'd cheat on a boyfriend with a see through wall, like that?!"

"I wasn't doing this on purpose—!" [____] stopped herself from causing another commotion in public; like how they shared a playful argument in front of the gorilla exhibit earlier that day. "I don't know why you're teasing me, right now..."

"Because you're fucking cute, that's why." He got closer just so he could place a hand on top of her head. "Come on, lets head over to the damn magic shop you wanna visit."


"It says everything is 75% off! Whoa, what a steal!" [____] basically ran inside after reading the bright red sign outside of the store. "I don't know much about magic, but doesn't it sound kinda cool?! Making objects disappear— and stuff like that!?"

"Shitty hair would like this place. Same with soy sauce and raccoon eyes..." Bakugo proved to [____] in a second, that even he could think about his teammates in a proper way that didn't involve him dissing them. "—And can't you do crap like that already?!"

[____] was looking at a stuffed white dove that you could use to hide under a magician's hat for practice. She held up the fake bird with one hand and used her quirk to move it from her view to in front of her crush's.

The toy fell right on his palms since he caught it just in time. Though, it was only because he could see the small portal coming through in midair.

"I guess I can kinda do it...But it's not very appealing when you can see the gateways I use..." [____] shook her head at how little she knew about her own quirk. "My mom can make her portals invisible to the naked eye...I bet I could do that, too, if I practiced enough..."

"Instead of looking all mopey about it, why not turn that into a goal and work hard to achieve it?" Bakugo had a completely different mindset when it came to pushing through your own limits.

To him; nothing was impossible. To her; everything had to make sense in her head before she could pull any sort of action.

"You're right...Todoroki said something about my quirk needing more mental stamina than physical, so—"

"Wait a minute. When did Icyhot said this to you?! What the hell does he know about your quirk that I don't?!" His jealousy got the best of him and he forgot all about being nice to her in a flash. "Fucking fat cheeks— Where did that idiot take you, today, anyway?!"

"W-We didn't do anything! He just took me to a meditation class!" [____] didn't think about including the part where he bought her a chocolate dessert, she couldn't see that route ending very well for her at that moment. "Remember....We're dating?? So...You can't be yelling at me like this...! It's not nice!"

Katsuki clicked his tongue; calming down after she reminded him of their deal. "...Where the fuck is the owner of this store?! I don't see anyone! Not even a fucking cashier!!"

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