"WAIT!! A date!! You can't say no!!" She suddenly declared.

Through the other line, Bakugo was walking after getting dropped off a couple of streets away from his house by an Uber. He couldn't believe what he just heard. "Hah?"

"You and I— Lets go on a date tomorrow and you can't say no to me!! Please?!"

He remained silent for a few seconds, thinking that it was such a crappy way to ask someone out. "....Idiot."

"Wha—?! He hung up on me! He didn't even say anything useful! He just called me an idiot and ended the call!"

Kaito placed a fresh cup of tea near her sight and a small crystal bowl full of sugar cubes for her to mix them to her liking. "It sounds like you got yourself a date, Miss [____]."

"But how?? I don't get it!"


"What the hell is she thinking? Asking me out like that, she can't even fucking wait for me to do it, first—"

"Katsuki, welcome home!" His dad greeted him as soon as he slammed the door open. "How was school, today?"

He completely ignored Masaru; stomping upstairs into his room and locking the door after shutting it. "Seriously...'Can't say no'? Who does she think she is?! I do whatever the fuck I'd like!"

He looked through his closet to find something to wear for their first official date.

In between searching, he came across a box of misc items. Old wallets, headphones and unopened love letters that he had received so far in his life.


The next morning, [____] had woken up to a loud crash outside her bedroom. She thought someone had broken inside her home, so she didn't waste a second to run out and find a maid freaking out over a broken flower vase.

"Miss [____]!! I'm so sorry! It was an accident, please don't fire me!!"

"Oh, that's what it was..." [____] gave the old woman a little smile before yawning. "It's not a big deal...What time is it, anyway...?"

"It's 11:47 am, Miss [____]."

She stretched, "Oh, okay...I can still take a nap and— !! Wait!! Eleven?!"

'Aw, shoot! I totally forgot about meeting Todoroki for practice!! Wait, no! I still have time to go— As long as I can bathe, change and meet him at the station in less than 15 minutes!'


25 minutes later, [____] found herself calling one of her exam partners to see if there was any way she could postpone.

Shoto answered after a few rings. "[____]."

"Todoroki—! I'm so sorry, I overslept! I know I said that we can meet at 12 but I wasn't expecting to sleep that much!! I was wondering if we could just—"

"It's ok. [____], I'm outside your home." He informed.

"You're what?!" She tried to remember if there was ever a time she mentioned her address in front of him. "How do you know where I live? Have you been out there for long..?!"

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