Chapter Forty Two

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July 1985

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July 1985

"Hey dingus your children are here!" The sound of Robin's voice was heard from the front counter. Steve rolled his eyes at the nickname and walked over to the window and opened the doors, scoffing as he saw Max, Alexis, Will, Beck, Sharon, Lucas, Mike, and Adeya and their recently new friend - Lily Rose.

He frowned as he saw that Dustin still wasn't there, but knew that the boy would be back in a couple of days or so. "Again? Seriously?" He asked, resting an elbow on the counter.

Mike just rang the bell again, and Steve motioned for them to come to the back. He let them out a back door, holding the door open as he motioned for them to move along. "Come on, come on," He waited till Sharon passed him and grabbed the girl by her arm gently, a look of sadness on her face. "She back yet?"

"Who?" Sharon sent him a look, before realization hit her features. "Oh, not yet. Tomorrow, I think."

Steve just nodded, letting go of her arm so she could catch up with her friends. "I swear if anybody hears about this-"

"We're dead!" The group said as they continued to walk, Sharon glancing back at him once more before they continued to walk to their destination. He walked back into Scoops Ahoy, where Robin stared at him for a few moments.

"What's the sad face for?" She asked, and he immediately shook her off.

"Nothing. The kids just- just always coming in and sneaking through is all," He replied, beginning to get someone's order together.

"You can tell them no, you know that right?" She asked, sending him a look.

"I know, I know." He sighed, "Just-" He stopped, not knowing how to say that the main reason does it is because the girl he likes sister is in with the group. He'd managed to go most of the summer without talking about Natasha, he didn't want to just randomly start now.

Robin sent him another look, and he just shook his head. "Nah, forget it." She was about to say something else, when another customer came up and so she took their order, while Steve just continued scooping ice cream.

He then got lost in his thoughts. All he thought about was the day she left, the tears streaming down her face not because she didn't want to go, but because she didn't want to leave Steve. She was just simply going to counsel at a summer camp in the next town over. Obviously he feels stupid that he never went and saw her, but he suddenly got his job at Scoops Ahoy once Starcourt was built and he's just been busy since then.

Not to mention, the idea of her finding another boy there scared him to death. He hadn't even had the guts to ask her to be his girlfriend yet, and the kiss had been unspoken about once it happened. He was a coward, and because of that he probably ruined any chance of ever being with the girl.

The lights going out in the building caused him to break out of his thoughts, looking around to see what had happened. "That's weird," He said, putting the scoop down. He walked over to the light switch as Robin watched him, her brows furrowed as he flicked it up and down. He looked at her, while she began to walk over to him.

"That isn't going to work, dingus." She said. Every time she calls him that - which is a lot - it just reminds him of the blonde who used to always call him that. It was always so cute how she said it, but now he has to hear it from his coworker instead.

He knew what Natasha would say if she heard the way that he was thinking about her. 'Don't think like I'm dead, Harrington. I'll be back soon, don't worry.'

"Oh really?" He asked, before quickly switching it on and off to annoy the girl. "Didn't realize that." He stopped for a moment, before trying again and to their surprise the lights came back on. "Let there be light."

Meanwhile, Natasha and her new friend - Ocean Beech were packing their things up, getting ready to leave early in the morning. The honey blonde girl grabbed the photo frame on her bedside table of the cabin, running her fingers over the boy in the photo. She thought about possibly entering a thought into his mind the way that Emily had done to her before finding her, but felt that was too risky and didn't want to get used to using her powers on Steve.

"Miss him?" The other blonde asked, sitting down on the bed next to her. She nodded, before taking in a deep breath and putting the photo into her bag. It was a simple gift Steve had given her before she left, but he was right about one thing when she received it - She was going to end up appreciating it more than she thought.

Even though it was just a photo, and Steve wasn't really there it made it easier for her handle not talking to him by looking at the photo. By looking at it, it reminded her that he would be in Hawkins waiting - just like she promised.

"He probably misses you too." Ocean spoke up, pulling her blonde hair back into a messy bun. "I mean, this is Steve Harrington we're talking about. The boy who talked about you to me hours on end even when he was with Nancy Wheeler. I never liked her all that much, to be honest."

"Well, she does seem to still get pretty jealous, even though she's dating Jonathan now." Natasha zipped up her backpack, setting it to the side. "I just hope he hasn't found another girl while I was gone."

"Steve? Finding another? Highly doubt it. Yeah, he had girls all over him in high school, but since we've graduated I've yet to see one girl come up to him." Ocean scoffed playfully, standing back up. She walked over to her own bed, tossing her already packed bag on the ground before laying down.

"That's because he's always with me," Natasha said. "Literally, of course. We're not together or anything."

"I know, I know. We've gone over that part before. Why hasn't he asked you out again?" The girl with wavy hair asked, looking over as she rested her hands on her stomach.

"I don't know, maybe he just hasn't gotten around to it?" Natasha shrugged, "Or there's another girl. One not so fucked up, like I am."

"Chill, Tash. Just because he hasn't asked you out yet, or hasn't visited you doesn't mean there's another one. And I'm just saying - when he was with Nancy, I still saw girls flirt with him all the time. I'm telling you, it's because he's not King Steve anymore which is the reason why he doesn't attract the opposite sex as much." Ocean explained, "Sometimes I forget that we went to the same school together since elementary school, and we both saw very different sides of Steve Harrington."

"Yeah, but I'm telling you- I hated this boy at first." Natasha swore, laying back on her bed this time.

"Yeah, but that doesn't matter. You don't now, and that's the part that does."


Sorry for a short, messy, all over the place introduction to S3! I'm trying, I swear.

Sometimes chapters might be messy like this because I'm still trying to figure out how I want to tie things together and add things in without it being too much of a hassle, so give me time!

Then again, it might make up for it that there are going to be extra chapters thanks to that!

Also, sorry that this update is so late, I usually have one out way before then but I had lots of things to do and just got caught up. See you guys tomorrow!

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