Chapter One

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November 6th, 1983

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November 6th, 1983

Hawkins, Indiana

That night, Natasha Moore sat in her bedroom, working on homework. It was just another boring day for her, as her one and only friend - Jonathan Byers - was out so she couldn't hangout with him, her older brother was with his girlfriend and her little sister was off doing who knows what with the group of boys she always hangs out with.

Although she didn't like the idea of her thirteen year old sister running out and about with a bunch of tween boys, she couldn't say anything. Her, herself, has hung out with Jonathan Byers since they were little, and at least Sharon has other friends than just one lonesome boy.

Of course, if Natasha really wanted to have other friends she could, but most people at her school only worried about being popular, and they were all jack off's anyway. So she'd just stick to her best friend, as his company was the only company she really needed.

The sound of tapping at her window caused her head to snap to the side, staring at the small area to her right. She'd seen more than enough horror movies to know that she'd be an idiot to just walk over and open the window, and it only just made matters worse that she was home alone at the moment.

The Moore parents are always out, busy working to keep food on the table and a roof over the kids' heads. This meant that Edward Moore - the eldest of the three - took charge in taking care of his younger siblings, saying that he's 'the man of the house' and 'when mom and dad aren't home, I'm the next in charge so I need to be treated with respect'. Whenever the boy said those things both Natasha and Sharon would roll their eyes, knowing he's just taking advantage of the moment, but they didn't say anything because their parents would agree.

Then again, they just don't want to take accountability for the fact that one of the kids even needs to step up in the first place. They want to act as if it's a good thing they're trying to become adults at such young ages, instead of realizing their mistakes.

Tapping was heard again, and again, and again, until Natasha finally slammed her pencil down on her desk. She walked over to her closet and pulled out the baseball bat, ready to bash someone's head in before walking over to the window and swinging it open.

Although, swinging open the window so fast without looking to see who was on the other side kind of happened to be a plus for the blonde, because when six foot tall Steve Harrington fell into the room and onto the ground with a loud thud, Natasha couldn't help the loud laugh that escaped her lips.

"It's not funny," The boy pouted, standing up to brush himself off.

"It actually was." The girl shrugged, tossing the bat to the side. "What the hell are you doing in my house?"

"I need help on the math homework," He mumbled.

"And you came to me? How did you even find my house, let alone my bedroom?" Natasha crossed her arms, looking the boy over.

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