Chapter Fifty Six

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Robin and Steve sat in the bathroom, flushing after their puking session

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Robin and Steve sat in the bathroom, flushing after their puking session. All of the drugs have been through their system, and after looking at the light on the ceiling of the mall, their bodies didn't agree with it and that led them into running into the bathroom to throw it all up.

"The ceiling stopped spinning for me," Robin said as she stared at it, her feet in the air against the door of the bathroom stall. "Is it still spinning for you?" She asked, causing Steve to look up, leaning the back of his head against the wall.

He looked, seeing if it was the way it had been before they ran in here, realizing that just like Robin - the ceiling wasn't spinning anymore. "Holy shit," He replied. "No. You think we puked it all up?"

"Maybe," Robin spoke, looking over and under the space in the stall, only able to see Steve's legs. "Ask me something. Interrogate me." She said the last part intimidating a Russian accent, a tiny smile on her face.

"Okay," Steve chuckled. "Interrogate you, sure. Uhhh," He thought, repositioning himself to make himself more comfortable, trying to ignore the fact that he felt like absolute shit and was in the dirty bathroom stall. "When was the last time you, uh, peed your pants?"

"Today," Robin quickly answered, not bothering to lie. 

"What?" Steve asked, looking over at her side of the stall in disbelief, even though he couldn't see her.

"When the Russian doctor took out the bone saw." Robin explained, her eyes wide at the recent memory. 

Steve laughed, "Oh, my God."

"It was just a little bit, though." Robin put her hands together, turning to look at Steve through the bottom of the stall as she laughed along with him. 

"Yeah, it's definitely still in your system," Steve said as he rubbed his eye, the eye that wasn't extremely beat up, that is.

Robin just laughed as she sat up, leaning her back against the wall, bringing her knees to her chest. Steve groaned, partially out of pain as he looked down at his lap.

"Alright, my turn!" Robin then said, as she stopped laughing to focus and see if it was still in his system at all.

"Okay," Steve quietly said. "Hit me."

Robin ran a hand through her hair, putting one of her feet up on the other wall of the stall as she thought long and hard about her question. "Have you... Ever been in love?" She finally asked.

"Yep," He answered. "Nancy Wheeler. First semester, senior year." He then put his hand into the shape of a gun and fired it, making the sound to go with it before chuckling.

"Oh, my God." Robin cringed, "She's such a priss."

"Hm." Steve replied, "Turns out, not really."

"Are you still in love with Nancy?" Robin then asked, staring at the stall wall in front of her.

"No," Steve spoke, shaking his head. He knew that answer right away, as he was now stuck in another situation he didn't think he would be.

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