Chapter Three

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Natasha screamed out for Will as her, Jonathan and Joyce looked for the boy

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Natasha screamed out for Will as her, Jonathan and Joyce looked for the boy. As soon as Jonathan told her what happened she felt extremely bad for being so upset about something so small, but Jonathan reassured her that she had no idea so she shouldn't be upset.

He had explained about how Will had been missing - that they haven't seen the boy since the night before, before he went to Mike's house. That's where Sharon was, and she could only imagine how freaked her family would've been if it were Sharon that hadn't made it home.

Jonathan also continued to say he left just for a few minutes to get her and take her to school, since that's what he normally does in the mornings. Natasha told him to forget about school, that she wasn't in the mood anyway and she was going to spend as much time as possible to help him look for his little brother.

They walked past 'Castle Byers', the little wooden fort type thing that Will had made. Joyce glanced inside, failing to see the boy. "Will!"

Joyce stopped, causing the two teenagers to stop. "I gotta call Lonnie."

"Mom, are you sure?" Jonathan asked, worry etched onto his features.

"Yeah, I just- we need to take a break anyway. I've heard Natasha's voice crack like five times," Joyce assured, mentioning Natasha's voice out of not wanting her son to worry.

They finally agreed and all walked back to the house, walking inside where Jonathan and Natasha sat on the couch while Joyce called her ex-husband.

"I'm sorry," Natasha spoke. "I was so insensitive- I shouldn't have talked about me when we could've already been on our way to find Will, I-"

"Stop, Tasha. It's okay, you didn't know, you had no idea. You're fine, mom was already looking for him when I went to pick you up anyway," Jonathan said, pulling her toward him.

Natasha leaned into his chest, resting her head in the crook of his neck while they listened to some girl tell Joyce to never call Lonnie back. Jonathan watched his mother as he did so, Natasha staring straight ahead as she was too lost in her thoughts to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Bitch!" Joyce suddenly yelled, causing Natasha to jump slightly as she wasn't expecting it.

"Mom!" Jonathan scolded.

"What?" Joyce asked, clearly frustrated and stressed about the entire situation.

"You need to stay calm, freaking out isn't going to do anything." He mumbled, looking back at the flier that said 'Have You Seen Me?' drawn on it.

Joyce didn't say anything to her son, just picking up the phone and dialing another number as she let out a mocked laugh. Natasha glanced at the woman, before down at her lap. "Maybe I should go,"

"No, you don't need to," Jonathan immediately reassured.

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude." Natasha mumbled.

"You never intrude, I promise. We're needing all the help we can get, so you being here is good," Jonathan said. The sound of Joyce yelling brought them out of their short conversation, but before Jonathan could comment on his mom's aggressiveness again, the sound and sight of a car pulled up caught his attention. "Mom?"

"What?" Joyce asked, beginning to walk over as the two teens stood up from their spot on the couch.

"Cops," Natasha mumbled, causing Joyce to rush toward the front door. Jonathan and Natasha followed as she went outside, the three stopping on the porch as Hopper got out of his truck, digging Will's bike out of the back.

Natasha's eyebrows furrowed as nobody said anything, and they all walked into the Byers' residence to talk about everything.

"So you're telling me- that it was just lying there?" Joyce asked, waving her hands around in exaggeration.

"Yeah," Hopper replied as he began to look around. "Cal?" He motioned in one direction, the police officer doing what he said and walking that way.

When the officer passed Natasha she stepped back, bumping into Jonathan who grabbed her arm to steady her. Joyce began to follow, causing the two teens to follow behind her.

"Did it have any blood on it? Or-"

"No, no, no, no-" Hopper began to repeat the word, seeming to know the answer to all of the questions that the older woman was about to ask. "Phil?"

"If you found the bike out there, then why are you here?" Natasha couldn't help but ask.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at school?" Hopper asked in return.

"She's helping," Jonathan defended. "But she's right. Why are you here?"

"Well, he had a key to the house, right?" Hopper asked, glancing back at the three.

"Yeah," Jonathan whispered.

"So, maybe he came home," Hopper spoke as he looked around the kitchen.

"Oh, so you think I didn't check my own house?" Joyce asked, clearly frustrated with Hopper's answer.

"I'm definitely not saying that," Hopper calmly said, as he glanced at something on the wall. He stared at it, confusion on his face. "Has this always been here?" He asked, gently touching it.

"I don't know," Joyce answered truthfully. "Probably, I have two boys. I mean, look at this face."

Natasha glanced at Jonathan, the tiniest smirk on her face at the comment. Jonathan just smiled a light smile, nudging her away from him.

"You're not sure?"Hopper asked as he opened the door, showing where the knob would hit the wall.

A dog began to bark outside, catching all of their attention. Hopper and Joyce walked out, leaving the two teenagers in the kitchen alone for the time being.

"Hey, so I never got to ask you earlier, but why was Steve Harrington in your bedroom?" Jonathan asked, trying to change the subject for just a moment.

"He needed help with math homework." Natasha shrugged.

"Tash," Jonathan pressed.

"Seriously, that's what happened. And he wouldn't leave until I helped him. It was weird, but if I helped him that one time he'd leave me alone forever so, no more Steve Harrington." She spoke as if it was nothing.

Jonathan looked at her, a feeling he couldn't describe sitting in his stomach. Although he wanted to believe that it was just his bad feeling about his brother, he realized he didn't feel it until he realized that Steve showed up at his best friends house. He knew if Steve went as far as to finding her bedroom, and sneaking in there - that Steve wanted more than just homework from the girl.

Of course it's messed up considering he's got something going on with Nancy Wheeler, but at the moment Jonathan was more worried about his best friend. Even though she acted tough around most people (not including him), he knew that it wasn't too hard to break through her walls. Steve was charming - he'd definitely manage to get through to Natasha if he tried hard enough and he didn't want that, he doesn't want her hurt.


Triple update :) This is all I'm going to update, but I might continue to write, I'm not sure. Goodnight, and I hope you guys enjoy it so far!

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