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Thank you all who asked questions to the Q&A!! Some of you asked lots of questions, which I loved, and some asked just a few which I am perfectly fine with :) Also thank you to those who I personally asked to ask questions, sorry for being a bother but I just thought this was really neat and even though I already had lots of questions from K herself, I didn't want them all to be just from her, you know? So sorry if that was annoying, but the next one isn't going to be until I finish Season 2 because I'll have another one for all of the characters now + Season 2 characters and my characters I've added in.

Which also means some characters that were in Season 1 but weren't in 2, won't be available. But that's for another time, let's get onto the questions!

Questions for Natasha!

loserseavey: how are you so bad ass?

Natasha: I guess I just realized I really don't care LOL.

loserseavey: date steve

Natasha: I- can't? And that's even if I WANTED to.

loserseavey: i love you and you deserve better

Natasha: Awe, I love you too! And thanks, but life is life. It's just how it is.

loserseavey: why is edward such an a hole to you?

Natasha: Well, I guess it's personal problems he needs to work through, I mean I have an idea but... I don't want to assume.

lovelytaron: do you think steve will admit his feelings first or will you have to bc I reckon you will bc your a baddie ;)

Natasha: I don't think Steve has feelings for me :( He's dating Nancy, I don't see why he'd be dating her if he didn't love/like her. But even though I'm what you call a 'baddie', there's no way I'm ever going to admit any sort of feelings I have for him. Because I don't... obviously... heh.

JadeApril47: Why you so bad asssss

Natasha: I don't know, it's natural I guess LOL.

Questions for Steve!

loserseavey: bro why are you still with nancy?

Steve: I don't know.

loserseavey: leave her she doesn't love you

Steve: She doesn't? Yes she does, I don't know what you're talking about.

loserseavey: date nat :) thanks

Steve: First off, that's my nickname for her :( Only I call her that. And second off, she doesn't like me and I'm with Nancy. I can't date her.

lovelytaron: hey: fucking admit your fucking f e e l i n g s to nat properly and in a way that makes her happy

Steve: I can't admit my feelings even if I wanted to, okay? She doesn't like me, and I don't want to scare her off. Besides, I am currently in a relationship you know, that'd be wrong.

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