Chapter Fifty One

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"Okay so you were gone all day, but you weren't at work

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"Okay so you were gone all day, but you weren't at work. Where the hell were you?" Edward asked as Natasha entered the house. She groaned, rubbing her forehead.

"I don't- I don't have the time for this." She mumbled, beginning to walk past him.

"No, I think you do. What's the point in trashing your room, and leaving?" He asked.

"Wait, what?" She asked. "I didn't trash my room. Where's Emily?"

"I figured she was with you." He began to answer, but before he could get anymore out Natasha ran past him and up the stairs toward her bedroom.

She walked in to see that Edward was right- her room was trashed. Her bedding was off of her bed, the mattress across the room. Everything in her closet was emptied, nothing in place anymore. Her dresser was knocked over, along with her desk and all of her photos were off of the wall, some of them torn.

The blonde walked over, climbing over everything as she dropped her bag on the ground. She looked at the photo of Steve she had at camp, noticing it was face down before picking it up, tears filling her eyes at the glass that was now cracked.

A sheet of paper that was placed under the photo caught her eye, and she picked it up, unfolding it to see neat handwriting.

'Dear sister,

Sad to see you weren't home this afternoon when I came by, it would've been nice to meet formally instead of circumstances like this. Sadly, though, instead of seeing you when I came to visit it was Emily. Poor Emily. Anyways, sorry about the mess, but I originally came to talk to you about situations that have been happening lately, but upon seeing that it was Emily here and not you, I'm sure she's told you dozens of things already. So, instead of doing things peacefully like the way I wanted to, we're going to have to do things the rough way.

I've taken it upon myself to take people you love, knowing you won't come unless you're forced to. I've started with Emily, and that annoying little girl who goes by the name of Sharon. Next will be that pretty boy, and everyone else I've found connected to you.

Meet me in Hawkins lab by tomorrow, or else..."

Natasha's eyes widened as she read the words on the paper over and over, before glancing at the photo of Steve that was now broken. Even though he'd broke her heart, and she broke both of theirs she wasn't going to let Laura come after anyone else, especially Steve. And not to mention the fact that she already has Sharon and Emily, that was a no go for the girl.

Clenching the paper in her fist, she turned, digging around in the room for a different pair of clothing to wear. She was going to have to find Steve and the others, and explain what was going on because she knew that her parents and especially Edward weren't going to understand what was going on.

Changing into a pair of jeans and one of Steve's old t-shirts, she shrugged on her leather jacket (the one that Steve gave her, since it was the newest and wasn't worn out like the old one) she shoved the paper into her pocket, grabbing her keys and walking out of the very messy room.

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