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Hey y'all! I've noticed a lot of people reading this recently, probably due to the fact that a new season of Stranger Things is out and so people are back into Steve Harrington fics. I planned to write a sequel (as I did from the beginning when writing this) although I partially wanted to wait until the end of Season 4/5 to do so since this book took place within seasons 1-3.

However, the past few days I've been rereading this story, and I realized that it is COMPLETE and UTTER trash. It started off amazing, especially due to the fact that I was trying to follow the plot of the show without changing too many details, but toward the end I got sloppy and skipped so much. There were many errors (which obviously part of it was due to not getting the chance to edit) trying to fit EVERY character I allowed from the cast call into it (which was my first mistake) and skipping some very important information.

Therefore, that being said, I have decided instead of trying to edit this to the point to where I like it, I'm going to do a complete rewrite of the story.

I will still try to use as many characters as I had here, although I won't be trying to add them all as main characters perse. I'm going to try to go into more detail instead of rushing to just put another chapter out, especially since I have lots of time to write before season five is even going to be filmed. I'm not changing too too much about the characters, most will still be the same.

I just hate how I've written this, although I love the plot/characters/etc.

That being said (again) I'm not deleting this story. I'll just be changing the beginning to show that this is something that I'm not forgetting about, but not working on anymore. I will post a complete new story, taking things from this story plus the show and putting more effort into it. I will be making a sequel based off of that story, and not this one. Therefore, if you happen to run across it, you'll be more than aware that lots of chapters might be a LOT like some in here. Some stuff in the new story will happen the EXACT same way as this one, and if you've already read this story you'll probably know some of the plot twists and such.

But I will be adding lots more, so I definitely think it's worth the read especially if you were planning on coming back for the sequel of TTM.

I haven't gotten it posted yet, and haven't started, but I wanted to get the note out there so people who've been waiting on the new story and people who have recently started/finished it can see. If you'd like to be tagged when it's posted, feel free to let me know :)

If you don't want to go through the process of reading through Natasha's story again, then that's okay. I respect it and sometimes I don't feel like reading rewrites either. But if you're willing to then I'm very happy that you're going to stick around :)

Please comment thoughts and stuff you'd possibly like to see, thanks.

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