Chapter Twenty

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Natasha pulled into the school, parking in the first empty spot she saw

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Natasha pulled into the school, parking in the first empty spot she saw. She took in a deep breath, looking over to the passenger seat, where she's so used to siting. Whether it be in Steve's car, or in Jonathan's she's so used to being in that seat. Never the driver's seat in her own car. Maybe the way things are changing for the good, and she wouldn't have to worry that changing her style and whatnot is a bad thing.

As she turned her car off and opened the door to get out, a loud revving noise caught her attention. She got out to see a blue car pulling in, the person obviously new as she wasn't the only one staring.

She caught eyes with Steve Harrington across the parking lot, who looked just as confused as she did. He glanced at her car, before back at her, noticing the difference but couldn't ask why why she was suddenly driving due to being next to Nancy, so far away.

Natasha watched as a very attractive boy got out of the car, removing the cigarette from his mouth. He wore a lot of denim, and he looked her way, before glancing around to see who else occupied Hawkins High.

She then saw as a cute young red head got out of the passenger seat, clearly unamused with having to be with the man. She got out of the car and slammed the door, putting her skateboard on the ground and skating away the boy just sending her one glance as she rode next door to the middle school.

Her eyes shifted back over to the unknown boy, who threw his cigarette to the side as he began to walk toward the school. She couldn't help but glance down at his butt, immediately looking back up due to not wanting to be caught staring. She didn't want to make it obvious like everyone else was, so she shut her car door and shoved her backpack on her shoulder, beginning to walk toward the school herself.

The first two classes for Natasha went by smoothly, and she couldn't be more than glad. They were who two least favorite, and she wanted nothing more than to go sit in her car and admire it a little bit more.

"Here, Natasha!" A voice said, handing her an orange sheet of paper. She looked it over, seeing it was an invitation to a Halloween party. Her usual response to these would've been immediately rolling her eyes, crumbling the paper up and tossing it in the trash, but since she'd made so many spontaneous decisions lately, she decided maybe it'd be cool to go.

She turned down the corner, her good mood ruined as she saw Steve Harrington up against the lockers, Nancy's body against his as they kissed. For some reason it made her want to vomit, but she held her head up high and passed them, not realizing that Jonathan had been right there also.

It wasn't long before someone rammed into her, the person roughly pushing them off of her, "What the hell?"

"Excuse me?" She asked, "You're the one that ran into me. Maybe watch where you're going next time." She looked to see the boy from earlier. He gave her a once over, beginning to smirk.

"What?" She asked, shoving the paper into her pocket and looking at him. He just ran his finger across his bottom lip.

"I'm Billy," He said, acting as if he weren't a total asshole to her moments ago.

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