Chapter Twenty Six

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"So you're saying I have to come watch you and a bunch of other sweaty guys play basketball so I can get my car back?" Natasha questioned, looking at Steve with her brows raised

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"So you're saying I have to come watch you and a bunch of other sweaty guys play basketball so I can get my car back?" Natasha questioned, looking at Steve with her brows raised. She'd ignored him all day, only because of how adamant he was on pushing her truth away.

It's not her fault that any of this happened to her, and it's crazy that she told Steve over Jonathan and the one person she tried to tell didn't believe her. So of course she's not going to tell Jonathan now, not when even Steve didn't believe her because if Steve didn't, Jonathan definitely wouldn't.

Besides, Jonathan did the same thing to her back when he was investigating Barb's disappearance with Nancy, so what's the harm in this?

"Pretty much," Steve replied. She groaned, rubbing her forehead in frustration.

"That doesn't sound too fun." She sighed, "But if it means I can get my car back without having to walk there, then I'm in. I guess it's also a plus I'm not going to be sitting in the library alone again for free period."

It wasn't long before she went to the gym where practice would be, and she pulled her notepad and pencil out of her backpack. If Steve really thought that she was going to gawk at him and the other boys - he was wrong.

She began to draw, her mind wondering as she drew the first thing that came to her mind. As her pencil repeatedly hit the paper, marking different lines she'd thought about this morning, and how weird Steve had acted before she got mad at him.

There has to be something going on, as in something had to have happened to cause Steve to want her to remember something. He seemed upset or disappointed that it was her making Tommy leave that she remembered, and not something else. But she was so drunk, everything was hazy. Maybe she told him she wanted to cuddle, which would explain why they woke up like that?

"Harrington, right?" She heard the familiar voice of Billy Hargrove speak up, and she looked to see them two battling against each other on the court. "I heard you used to run this school, is that true? King Steve, they used to call you, huh? Then you turned bitch."

Although Natasha wouldn't every deny that Billy was unattractive, her face immediately began to heat up at the way he talked to Steve. She didn't like it, and if there weren't other students in there she'd walk up and give him a piece of her mind.

"Hey maybe you should just shut up and play the game," Steve replied, as Billy caused Steve to trip and fall to the ground, taking the ball. The blonde in the stands gasped at the sight, jumping up slightly before remembering that they were practicing and she wouldn't be allowed to go check on the boy.

She watched as he got right back up to chase after Billy, but as soon as he got close enough the boy jumped up, making the ball. Her eyes then wondered over to the entrance of the gym, where she saw Nancy Wheeler walk in.

"Steve?" She asked, catching his attention. He looked back at her, before glancing at the blonde who urged him to go. She knew something was up by the way he kept brushing the topic of the brunette off, and how she hadn't seen them together at all today, but she didn't think it was anything serious.

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