Her daughter looked at the food on the table and decided to grab the only thing that was not prepared by her dad, which was a sealed carton of store bought orange juice, and poured herself the desired amount on a glass cup. "No thanks. I rather learn something."

"Waaahh, you never want to do fun things! What is your mommy gonna do all alone today, then?"

Magically, Manato offered his services as a husband. "Don't worry, my love, I'll come shopping with you."

"Hmmmm." Himeko almost yawned at the thought. "No thanks. You gotta go to work because nobody likes a deadbeat."

[____] almost spat out the drink thanks to her mother's mean remark. Even though there was no point in him working for silly paychecks compared to hers, Himeko Amachi would always prefer hard working men over the lazy ones.

"Even after buying this expensive toupee to cover up my bald spot, my precious wife wants to be a meanie in front of our baby!"

[____] finished cleaning up the area around her cup with a cloth napkin and began to take a few more sips of juice while listening to her parents commotion.

"Don't even get me started on that! I already told you, as soon as the local authorities find out what group of gang members did this to you, I will send them straight to jail! How dare they attack an innocent family man like you! Thank goodness [____] wasn't around when it happened because she could of ended up hurt too, you know!"

Again, [____] did another spit take at her mother's crazy story. She raised an eyebrow at her dad for an explanation but all she got in response was a pair of praying hands, pleading to not say a word.

"Now, tell me how am I supposed to trust that [____] will be safe here in Japan while we are out of the country? Maybe it's for the best if she tags along."

"No, mom!" She yelped, surprising herself with that sort of reaction. She never cared about school enough to confront her parents about it. "You guys both promised I would stay until school is finished. I can't keep switching from place to place anymore!"

"She's right." Her dad used his serious voice for a moment. "Besides, we can always stretch out our security system for her. She'll have tough bodyguards watching her inside and outside of school and she could contact them whenever she likes if she's in any sort of trouble!"

"What? No! I—"

"Oh! That's a wonderful idea!" Himeko clapped and that was enough to seal the deal.



"As if being the new kid in the middle of the semester isn't embarrassing enough...My parents really like to top it all off for me..." She sighed to herself while feeling all her potential classmates' eyes on the tall bodyguard walking behind her.

"Hey, look at that girl—"
"Who is she? Is she new?"
"Whoa, her hair is so pretty!"
"Why is her skirt so short, though?"
"Is that a security person following her?"

The teens around her were whispering. She heard most of their conversations while she pulled her skirt more down. "I should of brought knit tights or something...Ahh so much for 'new beginnings' today...'

Feeling embarrassed, [____] finally stopped in front of her homeroom class' door.

'This is it...Class 1-A...'

"Miss [____], I will be waiting outside the school gate. In case you need my services, please call the number on this card. If you need any more backup, I have two other co-workers on call today."

BNHA: To Kiss Or DieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang