Chapter 105: Big Menas vs. Little Menas... Erica's Sick

Start from the beginning

J/E: Otay. *running to get the stuff*

Cyn: Are they gonna remember all of that?

Wells: Just watch.

Jas: Here Ms. Wells. *handing her the green mat and yellow sheet*

Eric: Here Ms. Wells. *handing her the blue mat and red sheet*

Wells: Thank you. Jasmine what is the blue mat for?

Jas: Eric got it. Blue is nite nite.

Wells: Instead of saying nite nite what we say?

Jas: *thinking hard* Nap time!

Wells: *high five* Good job. Eric what is the green mat for?

Eric: Jasmine got it. Green is story time.

Wells: *high five* Good job. Now y'all can put those back and go finish playing.

J/E: Otay. *running off*

Erica: *smiling hard* I'm so impressed.

Wells: Whatever that you're doing at home keep doing it cause they are gonna be a force to be reckoned with soon.

Cyn: *standing up shaking her hand* Well thank you so much. I'm glad to know they are prospering in school.

Wells: Trust and believe the pleasure is mines.

Erica: Let's go kids.

*They got in the car and went to King and MJ school. The twins walked around with them while Erica and Cyn went to see their teachers. Their school was gonna take the longest cause they each have four classes.*

MJ: Home room is right here.

Jamison: Hello. You must be King and Amelia's parents.

Erica: Yes we are. I'm Erica and this is my wife Cynthia.

Jamison: Nice to meet you both I'm Karla. Let's have a seat. I wanna cut to the chase Amelia and King should be skipped to the next grade.

Cyn: Wait what?! What makes you say that?

Jamison: Look at this stack to my left then look at the two on my right. The stack on the left is from one student that's at the fifth grade level. Look at your children this is where they are. That's three times as high as the normal rate. All of their teachers report to me to tell me what progress they have made. If its alright with you I would like to give the a test to see if they qualify for being skipped.

Erica: Sure why not. We don't wanna hold them back if they can really prosper.

Jamison: We will give them the test Monday and send a note home by them telling you where they stand.

Cyn: Thank you and it was nice talking to you.

Jamison: Trust me the pleasure is all mines. I've been waiting to meet the parents who taught these two fantastic kids.


   We went around to see the rest of their teachers then left. Cyn and I was smiling our asses off cause we are so proud of them and couldn't believe how highly praised they are. It made us feel good to know we raised our kids right. We took them out to eat and for the rest of the day we just did what they wanted.

*The next day*


  We dropped the kids off at school today then went to see Mary and Raf. Mary called me freaking out about how they have yet to plan their wedding and she's too fat to fit into anything since she had the baby. I laughed cause she sounds just like me when I was talking about myself after the twins. We got to their house and went separate ways. I so love how my big bruh and wife gets along. Every time I see them together I just smile. Mary grabbed me into the den and she looked like a mad woman.

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