Chapter 99: A Rough Start to Thanksgiving, Leaves A...

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Erica: Bit... You know what I'm not gonna start with you right now.

Renee: Whatever. *walking away*

*As Erica was trying to avoid her Aunt Renee, Cyn and Lisa was just arriving at their Big Mama's house.*

BM: Hey babies bring y'all asses here and give me a hug.

C/L: *hugging her* Hey Big Mama.

BM: Where the hell have y'all been for five years?

Cyn: I've been working and being a mom.

BM: A mom? *looking down at the twins* Aww they are so cute. Hey sweeties what are y'all names.

Jas: I Jasmine.

Eric: I Erwick.

BM: Aww they can talk too. How old are y'all?

J/E: Two.

Eric: Mama we go play.

Cyn: Ok but no fighting or you will be sitting in the room.

J/E: Otay Mama. *running off*

BM: They are so cute. Lisa where is Heaven I know she has gotten big by now?

Lisa: She will be here tomorrow she's with her cousins.

BM: Ok. I see wedding rings on y'all fingers. Where are y'all husbands?

Lisa: My fiance will be here tomorrow.

BM: Ok. What about you Yosh?

Cyn: Um... Um... Um...

Lisa: He's on the other side of New York. We will all be together for Thanksgiving tomorrow remember?

BM: You right. I can't wait to meet them. Well go mingle and dinner will be ready soon.

C/L: Ok.

Cyn: Why the hell will you do that?

Lisa: Did you wanna spend two hours explaining Erica, King, MJ and the new baby to her?

Cyn: I got you but this Thanksgiving is about to be interesting.

Lisa: You have no idea. You know Camille is here right?

Cyn: Just keep her away from me and I'll be fine.

Lisa: Too late cause she's walking over here now.

Cyn: Damn!

Lisa: Don't look now but she's holding your twins.

Cyn: *turning around fast* What?!

Camille: Hey Li girl what you been up to?

Lisa: Nothing. *I grabbed Cyn's hands cause she looked like she wanted to kill Camille.*

Camille: Where is Heaven I know she has gotten big?

Lisa: She's with her cousins she'll be here tomorrow.

Camille: I know she love having a little brother and sister.

Lisa: She doesn't have a little brother or sister.

Camille: Then who kids are these?

Cyn: Mines. *grabbing the twins out of her hands fast* Eric and Jasmine go finish playing you will be getting a bath soon. *putting them down*

J/E: Otay Mama. *running off*

Camille: They are yours. Mhm I see you didn't get rid of the baby weight.

Cyn: Bitch you... *getting pulled away by Lisa*

Lisa: Let's go Yosh. Let's go see Uncle Jay.

*Cyn went to talk to the rest of the family then got the kids in the tub. They got in the bed and FaceTime Erica. Cyn and Erica was pissed off by their family members.*

Cynica: The Love Story of Erica Mena & Cyn SantanaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat