The True Inner Self

Depuis le début

"Philemon?! What is this?"

"Hmm. I didn't expect you to choose your own father as your target."


"Let me explain. We are inside of his cognitive world. It, unlike most worlds, is distorted, birthing a palace. He views his house as the center of the world, therefore making everything appear horrible while he boasts a beautiful, massive, mansion."

"That's horrible."

"Yeah. I was thinking you would go for a politician or someone."

"Heh. That's boring."

"I concur."

"So, what should I do?"

"Just, well, enter."

Madran nodded.

"Hey, wait, where's my jacket?"

Madran noticed that she was wearing the same clothes as she wore in her dream, which was clothing without any coats or sweaters.

"You enter the cognitive world like this. It's normal."

"Um, you can explain stuff later. I'm going in."

Madran walked up to the mansion front door. She knocked, and it opened by itself.


Madran observed the elegance of the opening hall. However, she quickly grew bored of it, as it was the stereotypical mansion staircase and foyer. She went into the living room, and then found the ballroom.

"Hmm. Why does this look so familiar..."

Madran tried to walk out of the room, but two butlers rose out of the ground, blocking her path. In fact, all of the exits became blocked off by mask-wearing butlers. She then heard a very familiar shoe noise, and turned around to see none other than her dad. However, his skin was a golden yellow, and he wore incredibly fancy clothes.


"Madran, what are you doing here? Weren't you at that..."

Shadow Travert flicked his head off to the side.

"...witch's house."


"Elia so obviously has you under her spell. We all know that you wanted to stay with me when Elia left me."

"Wha- no!"

"Madran, quiet. Your asinine voice is so loud that I bet the entire ballroom could hear it..."

Madran looked around the massive ballroom.

"But why are you-"

"Anyways, I will escort you out."


"That's what I say to you, you annoying cretin!"

"I'm not leaving..." Madran breathed heavily. "...until I can talk to you... OK?!"

"No. You're leaving right now."

Shadow Travert's voice dropped several pitches. The butlers grabbed her by her arms and began to walk off.

"Hey! Get your hands off!"

Madran squirmed out of their grasp.

"Wow... I never wanted a daughter anyway. And with those stupid friends of yours... if only you had stayed with me, you would be cherished!"

"I... I..."

Madran had an issue speaking after this.

"You would be in a stable household!"

Together, we ConquerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant