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People were dodging and running out of the way from the two men that were running through the street. They were used to seeing this though.

Although, it would be a lie to say that they weren't disappointed after having peace between them.

In their eyes, the two had simply begun fighting again.

If only they knew.


Izaya showed no hesitation in his steps as he continued running.

Dammit dammit dammit dammit.

The two were nearing an area made up of alleyways when Shizuo really started to panic.

The blonde knew that if Izaya was able to go through the maze of alleys, he would lose him for sure.

He couldn't let that happen.

They were about 30 feet from the first turn, with Shizuo right on the heels of the raven. Only for said raven to be able to keep just out of reach.

At the moment, the only thing Izaya was focused on was getting away from everybody.

Away from Shinra.

Away from Celty.

Away from all of his beloved humans.

And most of all.....

......he wanted to be away from his Shizu-chan.

Because for once in his life, he didn't know what to do. Nor did he for once not know what to say.

For as long as he could remember, he was always able to come back with a quick and witty reply, no matter what was happening around him.

And now here he was, in a state of confusion and fear.

So he ran.

Izaya's mind was blank, with only the thoughts of escape on his mind.

Although, his eyes shot up when he heard a loud crash.

The two men were in the first alleyway that they had entered, but before the raven had a chance to try and lose the blonde in the maze of alleys, a large green dumpster was thrown ahead of him.

The suddenness of it all caused only a slight falter in the raven's steps, but that was all that Shizuo needed.

Before the raven could make his way around the dumpster, a second one was thrown, crashing into the first one, and successfully blocked the way through.

The ex-bartender stopped a few yards behind the raven.

The raven that was still facing forwards and refusing to turn and look at the other.



I do not own Durarara!! or any images used.

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