Different Kinds Of Anger

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"Huh?" Came the reply from Shizuo, as he turned around to see his friends Celty and Shinra both on Celty's black motorcycle. The black stringy things, were shadows from Celty herself.

"Why did you stop me!?" He asked them both, with anger clear in his voice. Thus, causing Shinra to tilt his head in confusion.

"Didn't you call me over to help, I'm assuming?" Shinra questioned with uncertainty.

"Oh yeah." As Celty's shadows let go of him, he let the info broker drop to the ground.


Why is the louse breathing so heavy like that?

His thoughts were interrupted by a condescending laugh.

"Wow, Shizu-chan. You actually helped me again! Don't you think you should stop pretendimg that you have a heart and that you aren't a monster~?" Izaya said with a smirk pointed towards Shizuo.

"YOU LITTLE-" Shizuo was cut off by Celty's shadows again and her PDA being shoved in both of their faces.

[Don't you two think that you should both be trying to get along since you will both be living together for awhile?]

Shizuo went deathly still.



"Just what the hell do you mean living together?" Shizuo sounded calm, but to anyone who has known him for even a minute, knows that this is a kind of anger that is too much to show in just words. This was the freezing cold kind of anger that showed right before a person snapped.

The only thing that kept his mind (somewhat) in check, was the fact that Izaya looked nearly as pissed as he did, which was saying something, what with him having never seen Izaya angry like this. Even Shizuo was slightly unnerved by the look on the raven's face. While the blonde's anger was the explosive type, the raven's anger was the kind to be kept quiet until it could be put into a sweet, sweet revenge.

For obvious reasons, Shinra was terrified of having to be in the same vicinity as the two most dangerous people in Ikebukuro, let alone having to explain why they will be living together.

I'm gonna have a bad time. Shinra thought correctly.

"He-he. Yeah, a-about that." The doctor started off with a stutter and a nervous hand rubbing the back of his head.

Although, they didn't have to worry about Izaya attacking them or something, since the raven's eyes fluttered closed and he passed out.

Oh yeah. I probably should have told Shinra about the flea's breathing being all weird, and that I kinda hit him with a vending machine......Whoops. Shizuo thought, with slight amusement


[A/N: Did anyone get the undertale reference? :D]

I do not own Durarara!! or any images used.

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