Chapter 39

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Connor's POV:

I was holding (Y/n) hand as Markus was giving his speech to his people. I felt someone calling me and my eye's shut. I opened them to see Amanda in front of me standing in the snow. 
"What's going on Amanda?!" She smirks "I'm going to do what you've been programmed to do Connor" I looked at her confused "What do you mean?!" I was getting worried. "Your mission was to get Markus dead or alive..I'm going to keep you to that" She says with a grin.

I run up to her shivering "No!" She disappeared. I was on the cold snow 'I need to find a way to stop this' I thought as I got up. I kept walking until I saw something glow blue. I tried to run to it 'This must be it!' I leaned forward to push it but fell. I crawled and finally pushed the button. 

I opened my eye's gasping for a little but of air. I looked down and saw I was holding the gun out. I quickly glanced at (Y/n) and put the gun away. Markus finished his speech and (Y/n) hugged me
"I'm so happy Connor!" she said with tears streaming down her face. I smiled and cupped her cheek with my hand.

I wrapped my hand around her waist and kissed her in front of everyone. 
She kissed me back. She pulled away and we all heard screaming and aw's. We both blushed and Markus laughed. "I'm glad to see you happy" I smiled. I walked up to Markus and North while holding (Y/n)'s hand again. 

"Where are you all going to go?"

"We're going to find a new base, but I don't really know where were going to go right now" He says. I nod "don't worry about it Connor, we'll be ok so you be happy with (Y/n) we'll go visit" I smile and nod. I looked over at her and my eye's widen. 

"Shall we go home Connor?" She asks with soft eyes. I nod and put my arm over her shoulder. "I love you so much (Y/n)" I say. She smiles "I love you too Connor" hand in hand we both walked to the car and got in to go to the warm place that is my home. 'I'm so happy'  

I put my head back to try to keep the forming tears from falling. "It's ok" (Y/n) says. "It's ok to cry from are free and you don't have to be afraid can now fight back if someone hits you or assaults you so it isn't always your can show affection now Connor" I looked at her to see her crying.

I felt the tears fall down. "I love you so much" I mumble. I put my hands over my face. 'I can free and do the things that I want' I thought as I let my emotions show for what felt like the first time. She stopped the car and hugged me. I hugged her back letting the tears fall. 

Once I calmed down she started to drive again.

"Sorry for breaking down (Y/n)"

"It's ok..we all have those moments" I look out the window 'I'm excited for the future'
I thought with a smile. K looked at both of them smiling, standing next to them as they looked happy with each other and this upbringing finally coming to an end..


Affection ( Connor x Reader ) Detroit Becomes HumanWhere stories live. Discover now