Chapter 26

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Author's POV:

You, Connor, and K spent the rest of the day relaxing while watching movies in the living room together. You were mostly cuddling up on the couch with Connor.
Connor wrapped his arm around your waist kissing your head. You blushed and kiss his cheek. He blushes then looks at you "I'm glad you love me (Y/n)" He says. You smile and hold his hand.

"Of course I do Connor..You make me really happy" He blushes and smiles. "You do too (Y/n)" He tightens his hold on your hand. You look Connor in the eyes and ask him. 

"How do you feel about the deviants Connor?"

"I have a opinion but..I don't have a right to express that really" You look at him wanting him to tell you his opinion. "You can tell me Connor" Connor looks a little worried. "Can you tell me your's first" You avoid his gaze and look down at your lap. "Promise me you won't get mad at me Connor" He lifts your chin up and faces your head towards him. "I promise you I won't" He lets go and you nod. 

'Here goes nothing'


Affection ( Connor x Reader ) Detroit Becomes HumanWhere stories live. Discover now