Chapter 31

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Your POV:

You hit on the breaks and drove the opposite way of where you were supposed to go. 
"Where are we going (Y/n)?" Connor asks you. "I need to get you some clothes instead of you wearing your suit." Connor nods and you head back home. You park and leave the car running.

You and Connor run inside. "Some of my brothers clothes are here still" You say. Connor looks at you confused. "My brother used to live with me..Here!" You say handing him a black shirt with a sweater and some black pants, also a beanie since it was really cold outside. Connor grabs them and heads to the restroom to change. You pull out your phone to check the time and Connor comes out in the clothes you gave him. 

"You look good..we got to go now" Connor blushes and you both rush out of the house. You open the door and sit down. Connor shuts the door and buckles himself. You do the same and hurry to Jericho. 

--Time Skip--

You and Connor arrived to the Jericho location and got off. You were slightly nervous and walked in. No one was suspicious of you since Markus trusted you. Connor looked like he was on edge. 
You continued walking and walk up to North who you had a Good relationship with since you and North kept in touch. 
"Hey..Do you know where Markus is North?" You ask.

She nods and point in the direction he's in. You nod "Thanks North" You say and head towards Markus. You see Markus "Markus!" You hear Connor say. You look over to him in a little bit of shock. Markus turns around and see's you. Connor pulls you behind him and pulls out a gun and aims it at Markus.

'Where the hell did Connor get a gun'
  Markus lift's his hands up.
"Calm down" Markus says calmly. "We're going to take you back alive weather you like it or not!" You look at Markus and mouth. 'Help me convince Connor!' You mouth out. Markus looks back at Connor. 

"Why would you want to do this to your own kind..we just want to be free like everyone else is" 
Connor looks at Markus but doesn't say anything. "I'm sure you would want to be free to do anything you want and not have to be punished by it" Connor let's down his guard a little. 

"I'm sure you must have someone you dearly love..and I'm sure you would want to be free and happy with that person" Markus walks a little closer putting Connor more on edge. Connor lifts his gun up. "Shut up! Stay back!" Connor says. Markus stops getting closer and you run out from behind Connor. You run in front of Markus. "Connor! I agree with what Markus is saying!" You yell out.

Connor stand's there shocked "(Y-Y/n)?" You stood there. "Connor I love you so much and I want all of these androids free including you!"

Connor let's his guard down. "Think about it Connor..You can be happy and free with the person you love and don't have to worry about what your doing is wrong. You can do what you feel is right" 

Connor's POV:

'What Markus is saying is right! I want to be free with the one I love!'

I started to break the wall in my program that was keeping me from being free. I kept hitting it over and over again until it broke. I look up "Ok..I'm with you" (Y/n) runs up to me and I quickly put the gun away. "I'm going to be happy and free with you from now on" She hugs me and nods. 

"I love you so much Connor" (Y/n) says. I hug her tighter.

"I love you too" 


Affection ( Connor x Reader ) Detroit Becomes HumanWhere stories live. Discover now