Chapter 18

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Author's POV:

You all get to Kamski place. You all get out of the car then knock on the door. You stand there a little nervous. A girl android opens the door greeting you. "Hello, what can I do for you" the girl asks.

"Um, We're here to ask Kamski some questions. We are from the police department" She opens the door wide letting all of you in. "You can wait here. I'll go tell Kamski that your here" You fiddle with your fingers. "(Y/n) what's wrong?" Connor asks. You look at him. "It's nothing" He looks at you worried but doesn't push any further. You all sit in silence until she comes back.
"Kamski is ready to see you all" You all get up to follow her. 

You look to see him swimming. He get's out then looks at you. "Hello (Y/n)" He says walking towards you. You avoid his gaze. "Hello Kamski" Connor looks at you worried.
"Hello sir, sorry for disturbing you but we would like to know if you know anything about why the androids are acting like this" Hank asks.

Kamski looks at him. "There's nothing wrong with my program Lieutenant. They are simply awakening. It's not an error or a virus. I always leave an emergency exit in my programs. They've just decided they don't want to put up with us or how we treat them" Kamski says. He looks at Connor. "What about you? Who's side are you on?" He says looking at Connor.

"The Humans side"

"That's what your programmed to say, What do you really think?" Connor doesn't answer. Kamski grabs his gun. He points it at you. 

You look at Connor seeing that he's tense. "You react when I do this to (Y/n). That means you have emotion." He puts his gun down telling his android to sit down on the ground. He looks at Connor. "Do you side with the Humans, or your own kind." Kamski gives the gun to Connor. He points the gun at the android. "Connor let's go" Hank says. Connor stands there. 

"Connor I said let's go!" Connor doesn't listen. "It's your choice Connor, what do you really think? How do you really feel about this whole thing?" Connor lowers the gun and hands it back to Kamski. "I can't do it" Kamski grins "I guess soon enough you'll have to pick a side" Connor nods. Kamski looks at you. "Mind if I speak to (Y/n)..privately" Connor tenses.

Hank looks at you, you nod. "Are you sure (Y/n)?" Hank asks you.
"You can wait in the car for me Connor" You say ignoring what Hank asked, not bothering to look at Connor knowing he's worried about you. Connor leaves the room with Hank. You look at Kamski.

"I heard that your brother is back"
"Follow me"

You follow him into this room where there were more androids. He pushes open a part of the wall and it opens. You look to see what looks like a..another android?!
"What's this?"

"It's a male android I made, it's designed to have human emotion its the first of it's kind to be programmed like this..except it's following an algorithm I made"

"Okay..why are you giving this to me? Rather why did you make this for me?"

Kamski lowers his head

"Once I turn this android on it will think it's your friend, knowing some things about you..So he will protect you like a friend will, listen to your problems and have fun with you."

You nod following along with what he was telling you.

"As to why I made this, I knew how your parents treated you since I would go over every so often to play with you..It just felt terrible how I couldn't help you, knowing they would only do worse to you if I stepped in..So think of this as a gift from me"

Not saying anything more towards you he goes up to the android, turning it on. He opens his eyes then smiles looking at you. "Hi (Y/N)" he says to you. You greet him back, not knowing what to call him.

"His name is K" 

K steps out of the thing holding him up, you take notice of how well dressed he is. He has tan skin with jet black hair along with lavender eyes. 'He's probably as tall as Connor..' Kamski pats your shoulder "There, now the rest is up to you." You smile a little. "Thanks Kamski" You say. He smiles back looking towards K.

"Take care of her will you K"

K gently smiles towards him. "Of course I will, (Y/N) is my friend!" you giggle already liking this new friend you've made today. Kamski leads the way out as K follows you. You walk out getting into the car with K. 

Hank and Connor look shocked at this new being that is now sitting in the car with them. 
"U-Uhm (Y/N) who the hell is this?!" Hank comments as K smiles at him almost like a silent threat towards him. Connor just couldn't help but stare at him, as he wraps a arm around your waist pulling you closer towards him. 

"I'm K! (Y/N) friend, Kamski made me for her so..if you don't mind sir can you get your arm away from (Y/N) waist? I can tell it's making her uncomfortable"

It was now dead silent in the car..Connor removes his arm away from you, clearly glaring at this new android in the car. Hank didn't even know where to start with his questions.

"Yes I am made to have human emotions..It's a new program and algorithm Kasmki made, I'm the first of my kind"

Hank just started the car up not wanting to be in this uncomfortable environment. It was a silent ride home..You stare at your house knowing he's in there.

' Let's just hope nothing bad will happen while he's here ' 


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