Part 87

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(Y/n's POV)

When Shawn came back, I finally started to feel normal. These last three weeks were the hell. My thoughts were killing me, but when I was back in his arms I knew what I had to do.

I know what he did was fucked up but I cannot leave him. He's all I want and all I need, I may sound selfish but gosh he's the one. He's not the love of my life, he's the love for my life.

There's a difference, you want the love to success with your love of your life but it will not always succeed. But with the love for your life, that person is you want really need. And Shawn is my love for my life.

After the sex, we just laid in my bed talking about what happened. We both want to stay together, so I gave in and went back to Toronto with him. Around 8 pm, we got back in Toronto which is crazy. I'm still fascinated by the fact that you just can go on one flight and boom you're suddenly in a different time zone and country.

When we landed, Shawn and I quickly went to Starbucks for a coffee and then got in his car. 'So where do you wanna eat?' He asked while starting car and turning the radio on. 'Hmm, what's your favourite place beside that breakfast place?'

I questioned while grabbing his hand and intertwining our fingers. A little chuckle left his lips when I placed some kisses on his hand, 'uhm favourite place? Yep, I know something.' He started to drive around Downtown Toronto until he suddenly parked in a little, dark street.

I looked at him and saw a smile forming on his lips. 'Don't worry, there's nothing scary here.' He got out but I just sat in the car. Gosh, this is creepy. I looked around and didn't see Shawn, my heart started to beat faster until that asshole jumped in front of my door, scaring the shit out of me.

'Your face, hahaha,' he said while trying to control his laughter. I got out of the car and hit Shawn in his chest, 'Don't you dare doing that again Mendes,' I snapped at him while he just wrapped his arms around me. 'Aww are you really scared?' I nodded in his chest and gently placed little kisses on his shirt.

'Come Let's eat,' he pulled back and took my hand leading me towards the end of the street. 'Don't be scared, babe,' he whispered in my ear slowly pushing me towards the end. Suddenly there were lights everywhere and music played in the streets. 'Woow,' was the only thing that escaped my lips.

I felt Shawn intertwining our fingers but I was just focused on the atmosphere here, everyone laughed and had this happy mood. He pulled me into the crowd and grabbed my waist, 'dance with me baby,' he whispered while kissing my neck.

I laid my hands in his neck and moved onto the rhythm with Shawn's body against mine. Soft moans left his mouth whenever I rocked my body against him while he just moved with me and placing little kisses on my head.

When the song ended, we quickly ran away from the crowd and went to this picturesque restaurant with fairy lights everywhere. 'Is this the place you wanted to show me?' I questioned while turning circles.

He nodded and lead me inside, I couldn't stop smiling at Shawn. He's so precious especially when he smiles. The chef came out of the kitchen and made his way to us. 'Aah Shawn, long time no see. The usual, oh hello lady,' he said while shaking my hand.

'Georgio this is y/n, my girlfriend.' He nodded and wrapped his arms around Shawn. 'So not the usual,' he whispered while walking back to the kitchen. 'The usual? What is that?,' I asked while sitting down, 'I normally go here alone and eat this particular dish so that's the usual.'

He said while caressing my hand. The whole night was like a fairytale, all the lights and just my prince. I really made the best decision

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