Part 29

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(Shawn's POV)

I'm so nervous to me her family. Maybe they won't like me or hate me. Oh gosh and her dad. I don't want to make a bad impression on him. What if he asks about my job? I'm not gonna say this, 'yeah i'm a teacher and y/b is my student', i will be dead if I say this. Maybe I should tell him that I'm still in college, that I study something that fits with me.

Y/n took a seat next to me on her bed and laid a hand on my shoulder.

'Don't be nervous. My family is actually quite interesting and they will love you. They are from Canada, so maybe you can talk to them about it and my dad really loves ice hockey.'

I looked her in the eyes and saw this little spark. A spark she has whenever she's with me, even in the class. I laid my forehead on hers and watched her. Even when I'm so close she's still gorgeous. Whenever I look at her I get this feeling like there are butterflies in my stomach, I really hope that is love. Because I love her. More than anything. More than my muffins. I am and I will going to stay with her even if she pushes me away. She's my girl and the thought of someone else kissing, hugging or even loving her will make me insane.

'Shawn, you don't know how much you mean to me. I love you so much.'

I let her words fill my mind and heart and just felt the heat rising to my face.

'I love you too, y/n. You're my world, even my air.'

Her cheeks slowly turned red and the spark in her eyes grew even bigger. I gently pressed my lips onto hers and made sure that our moment wasn't ruined. The way she kisses me tells me more about her. The way she wraps her arms around me tells me how badly she wants to be with me.
She pulled away and laid her head against my chest.

'My family will be there soon.'

'What do you mean by soon? Is it soon as in ten minutes or soon as in an hour?'

'Ugh, Mendes.'

I walked to her desk and looked at the pictures on it. There's one with a boy and the others are with girls. My eyes kept going to that picture with the boy. He has blonde hair and brown eyes. I took it and looked better. It was not long ago, maye 1 or 2 years ago.

'That's Daniel.'

I turned around and saw that y/n was standing behind me.

'Wait, Daniel. Like the Daniel you had a crush on?'

'Yeah, we were also friends, well he was actually my first friend.'

She took the picture out of my hands and placed it back. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me.

'He seems nice.'

A little laugh filled the room and soon after that the bell rang. She turned around in my embrace and whispered against my lips

'it's time to meet my family.'

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