Part 28

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(Y/n's POV)

I walked downstairs and saw a table full with food. Shawn just walked out the kitchen with this killer smile on his face.

'Good morning and yes. I made breakfast, we have pancakes and French toast and also some eggs with bacon.'

I took a seat and tasted Shawn's food.

'Oh my, Shawn! This is good.'


We ate the rest of our food and did the dishes. I was busy doing the dishes until Shawn came running into the kitchen.

'Babee, someone is calling you. Oh wait, it's your mom.'

I took my phone and accepted the call.

'Hi mommm.'

'Y/n! Where the hell are you?'

'Humh. I'm at Shawn's.'

'Well, you have to say it earlier. I was worried about you. Say hi to Shawn. Bye.'

'Bye mom.'

She hung up. I walked to the living room and saw Shawn sitting on the couch.

'Was she mad?'

'Mad? About what?'

'That you're here with me?'

I sat on his lap and took him in my arms.

'Why would she be mad? I'm happy here, so she's also happy.'

He laid his head against my shoulder and smirked against it.

'So you're happy here?'

He looked back up and smiled against my cheek. He placed many kisses on my cheek and mumbled something.

'If you're happy then I'm happier.'

He quickly pecked my lips and wrapped his arms tightly around me.

'I should go home today.'

'Why? You like it here so stay.'

'I know, but I also need to go home.'


'No Shawn, I need to go home so I can get fresh clothes and maybe go out with some friends.'

'Okay, but are you coming tomorrow?'

'Yeah, maybe tonight. So can you please take me home?'

'Oh, okay.'

~skip the ride~

I opened the door and saw my mom baking some cake.

'Oh hi honey.'

'Hi mom.'

I walked towards her and saw that the kitchen was full with ingredients.

'Are you bored or do we have guests later?'

She putted the cake in the oven and started to clean the kitchen a little bit.

'Yeah, we have guests tonight, oh and I forget to ask but can Shawn come too? It would be nice if your boyfriend would be here.'

'Okay, i will ask him. Is this a family dinner or are there gonna be other people?'

'Uhm, only family. Aunt Michelle and uncle Mike are coming with their children and also grandma and grandpa.'

I nodded and went to my room to call Shawn.

'Hi babe! Do you miss me already?'

'Hi, I actually need to ask you something.'

'Okay, shoot.'

'Do you wanna come over tonight for a family dinner?'

'Really? Yeah sure.'

'Is 6 pm alright?'

'I can even come now if you want?'

'But do I want it?'

'Yeah. You do.'

We said our goodbyes and soon after that Shawn stood in front of my door. My mom opened it and welcomed Shawn.

'Hi Shawn.'

'Hi Maria, is she upstairs?'


I took a seat behind my desk and heard his footsteps coming closer. I unlocked my laptop and searched for some good music.

'Babe? Can I come in?'


He opened the door and there he stood, my perfect boyfriend wearing a white shirt and a black ripped jeans. I got up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

'Missed me?'


He pressed his lips onto mine and we just stood there for a while until my mom interrupted us.

'Aw. You guys are so cute, grandma is definitely going to like you Shawn.'

She went back downstairs and I pulled Shawn into my room. He jumped in my bed and looked around.

'Y/n, I'm freaking nervous.'

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