Part 62

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(Shawn's POV)

She left me. No words can describe how I feel right now. I couldn't sleep, I all did was crying. I didn't ate anything, I just stayed in my bed. I feel this empty hole in my body, just like someone took a piece of me. She did. She took a piece of me. She stole my heart but didn't give it back.

I quickly took a shower and went to the kitchen to finally eat something. I wonder if she's going to be at school. How can I just give my lesson if she's right in front of me, paying attention to what I say.

We both knew that this what we had was wrong, but didn't give a shit until Eline came. Since that day, y/n was worried and thought about breaking up. Without her I don't feel like myself anymore. I need her. We had too many good memories just to let them get ruined by one big bad memory.

I love her with whole my heart and I always will love her. I got in my car and drove to school. I understand that she was scared but why breaking up.
I arrived at school and saw her walking in. My heart slowly started to beat faster but suddenly stopped. She isn't mine anymore.

I walked inside and went immediately to my classroom, but someone was in. I opened the door and saw Eline at my desk. 'Hello, Shawn.' 'It's Mr.Mendes for you.' I took a seat behind my desk and waited until she said something. 'Now you don't have y/n, I can be yours.'

She slowly walked over to me and let her hand rest on my shoulder. I rolled back with my chair and looked at her with disgust. 'What the hell?' 'I am so much better than her.' I turned around and started to walk to the door but she got a hold of me.

'We can try.' She laid her hand on my chest and started to lean in. I took a step back and she almost felt. I walked out and saw y/n walking to her class. I took my phone out and sent a text to her. "You look beautiful today. Have a nice day xxx."

Before she entered class, she quickly looked at my text and a small smile appeared on her face. She still wants me. Otherwise she would just ignore my text.

I got to my class just to see if Eline was still there. Happy that she's not here anymore. What does she even think? That y/n and I are over just that I can be with her? Uh, never! The pupils walked in and took a seat at the table.

But my mind wasn't with them, just a couple of classrooms further settled my mind down. With one special person, the person I truly love. I have to get her back.


You may noticed that my parts are smaller than usual but that's just because I'm also busy studying for my finals.

I also want to say thanks for the 35k (i guess) ❤️❤️

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