Part 30

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(Shawn's POV)

She took my hand and gave it a little squeeze. We walked downstairs and there they stood. Her grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt and nieces. She let go of my hand and walked to them.

'Hello grandma and grandpa, hi.'

They greeted each other and suddenly all eyes were on me.

'This is Shawn, my boyfriend.'

Her grandpa stepped forward and hugged me.

'Welcome to the family, Shawn.'


Everyone came to me and welcomed me to the family.  Even her little nephews liked me. They kept on hanging on my legs and kept laughing.

'Shawn, you have long legs.'

I took Rafael in my arms and tickled him.

'Do you wanna have long legs?'


'Eat your greens and muffins but don't tell your mother about the muffins.'

He nodded and told my secret to his brother. I walked over to the kitchen and saw that y/n was playing with her niece who is only 2 years old.

'Yeah, you're a cute baby. Who's the cute baby here? Yeah yo-'

'I am.'

She looked over her shoulder to me and a smile appeared on her face. She stood up with her niece in her arms and walked over to me.

'You heard that, Louisa? Shawn thinks that he's cuter than you.'

She pecked her head and Sophia gave a kiss back.


Her eyes grew big and her mouth went open.

'Sophia, say Shawn.'

She quickly looked at me and gave me this sweet, little smile. We both looked again at Sophia and her eyes were right staring into mine.


Her little arms went to me and soon she was in my arms. Y/n ran to the living rolm where everyone was and said something like

'Sophia, first word, Shawn',

she came back with Sophia her parents and grandparents. Y/n walked over to me and pecked my lips.

'I love you, Shawn.'

Sophia looked at y/n and started crying.

'Shawn. Shawn.'

Everyone in the room rushed over to Sophia and suddenly she stopped crying. I gave her to her mom and walked with y/n to the couch.

'Why is everyone so hyped because she said my name?'

'Well, Shawn. That was her first word. We've been trying to teach her some words.'

I couldn't believe it. Y/n wrapped her arms around my neck and smashed her lips onto mine.

'I love you too, babe.'

I mumbled against her lips. She pulled away and looked over my shoulder.

'Hi dad.'

She walked to him and hugged him.

'I'm so sorry that I'm late but they didn't let me leave. So, did I miss anything?'

He was looking at me and a smirk appeared on his face.

'And who are you?'

I shook his hand and smiled.

'I'm Shawn, your daughters boyfriend.'

He quickly looked over at her and smiled.

'She finally has a boyfriend.'

Y/n walked away and i was here alone with her dad.

'So Shawn, from where are you?'

'Uhm, I'm from Toronto. But I studied here.'

'Really? Canada? What did you study?'


'So you're a teacher now?'

'Yeah, in San Diego.'

'Do you like it?'

'Yeah, but I'm looking to move back to Canada.'

'Really, why?'

'I miss it.'

'Y/n also wants to move back and honestly I first didn't want it, but now that I know that she's probably going with you makes me think that she should go.'

He looked to the door and then back to me.

'Okay, so now the two important questions, first. Do you like ice hockey and second how much do you love her?'

'Yes, I really like ice hockey and I love her with whole my heart.'

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