Part 3

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' He let go of me and I walked to my seat. Right in front of him. He's very nervous and scared, I guess. He won't stop looking at his feet and when he looks up his eyes met mine and I can see that my look can relax him. 'Mr Mendes! Relax!' I shouted and he just laughed. He's the cutest ever! He took a seat behind his desk and just breathed in and out. The door opened and the students walked in, you could hear them giggling and saying stuff about our hot teacher. They all took a seat and listened to what our teacher had to say. 'Good morning class. My name is Mr Mendes and I will be your teacher for the rest of the year. I really want to know more about you, so when I point at you. You say some interesting stuff about you and if you have a question for me just ask it. So let's start with you.' He pointed to the boy in the right corner. Great, Mason. ' I'm Mason and I love partying, football matches and fucking girls.' Is he goddamn serious! Everyone laughed for no reason and I'm the only one who disgusts what he said. Mr Mendes also had a very disgusting look on his face and I just had to laugh. I looked through my lashes to him and saw him looking at me mouthing something to me. 'Is he serious?' I nodded and just listened to the others. 'Okay, class is almost over, so I will choose two more. You' Oh god! He pointed at madison. 'I'm Madison. I love getting attention from boys and I just love shopping. Are you single?' He chuckled and just ignored the question. 'Okay, last one.' I searched the whole room for a candidate and when his eyes met mine he just smiled and pointed at me. 'I'm y/n. I love reading, singing and playing music.' He smiled at me and then the bell rang. 'See you tomorrow class.' I got up and left.

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