Part 55

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(Shawn's POV)

She went upstairs without saying something. I know that Eline sent her text, but what did she sent is unknown. I went back to my room and saw that she was sitting on my bed with her head in her hands. I walked closer and sat next to her. I took her hands and let them fall on her lap.

She looked up at me. She didn't cry but I saw that she wanted. 'What's wrong?' She showed me the text and laid her head on my shoulder. How dare she? Pain but I won't let it turn into hate. Well screw that, I hate Eline.  I took y/n in my arms and held her close.

We walked back to the dinner room and my mom had this concerned look on her face. I helped her with the lunch. 'What happened darling?' I explained everything to her. She told me that if I truly love her then my job is just a surplus. We went back to the table and started eating.

It's truly amazing to see y/n with my parents. When we were done, my mom took y/n with her to the living room. One hour later, they came back, y/n walked over to me. 'Hi babe.' She wrapped her arms around my neck and pecked my lips.

'I never thought that you would ever have so amazing baby pictures.' A chuckle left her lips. I pulled back and looked at my mom behind her. 'Did you show her pictures?' She nodded and started to laugh. Oh gosh.

This is bad. Y/n turned back to me and gave me a kiss on my cheek. 'You were a cute baby then.' She wanted to walk away but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her in my arms. 'Am I not cute now?' I pouted.

She leaned in and whispered something in my ear. 'Nah, you're hot.' I felt her smirk and kissed her neck. No one was in the room, so she let out a loud whimper. 'Tonight babe.' I pulled back and went to the garden.

My dad was busy preparing dinner, my family is coming over for barbecue so it's a good moment to introduce her to everyone.


Around 6 pm everyone arrived here. My niece and her boyfriend, my other niece, my nephew. Y/n helped my mom with the vegetables. It's good to see her get along with her, because my mom never liked my other girlfriends.

I walked to the kitchen and pulled her with me to my room. 'Baby, do we.' She wanted to stay but I stopped her with my lips. Our lips collided together and I slowly made out with her. 'I missed you.' I rested my forehead against hers and pecked her lips multiple times.

'I was literally in the same house, Shawn.' She pulled back and wanted to lay in my bed. 'Sorry, babe. There are guests downstairs.' I took her in my arms. She started to shout and hit me. 'Let me go, Shawn Peter Raul Mendes.'

I carried her downstairs and everyone looked at us. 'Awww.' Everyone went. I placed her back on the ground. 'I hate  you, Shawn.' She mouthed to me. We took a seat at the table and chatted with my niece Camilla.

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