Part 75

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(Shawn's POV)

Around 11 am, y/n left. She's going to visit her parents for the last time. It's quiet here without, I miss her already. So around noon, I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen because my stomach started to get wild.

I opened the fridge and saw a big bowl with a letter on it. "Hey babe, I know you're a terrible cook so I made a salad because you were talking about one yesterday. I hope it tastes good. Yours for ever."

A warm feeling filled my body and made me blush. What is she doing to me? Oh gosh!
I took the whole bowl and a fork, I was too lazy to put the salade in a smaller bowl. I putted the TV on and ate my salad there.

We were yesterday zapping through all the channels and we came across this cook channel and this dude was making some great salad. I really appreciate it that she made me this but I want to do something in return.

You know what, I will cook dinner tonight. When my salad was up and I rushed over to the bathroom. I quickly took a shower, putted some clothes on and walked back to the kitchen.

I searched for about ten minutes after this one cookbook that I bought when I wanted to learn how to cook. When I found it, I looked for the perfect recipe. Lasagna, Ratatouille or Tacos. Those were my three options.

Then I started to think what she would love to eat. I remember that we made lasagna together so that one is out. She really loves avocados and Mexican food, so we are going to make tacos. I wrote all of the ingredients on a paper and walked to my car in the garage.

I need tomatoes, oh no, avocados , chicken, and some other stuff. I got in and drove the nearest supermarket. Not the one with Eline though, I don't want to see her face ever again.

When I arrived, I quickly went in and gathered all the stuff I needed. If my tacos are a disaster then I have a backup plan. I quickly took some pizza dough and tomato sauce. I payed for everything and drove back home. It's now 1 pm so I have enough time, I think.

I took the cookbook and started to read the recipe. Okay, I think that I will succeed. Two hours later, I finally finished with the chicken. I took the avocados and started to make the guacamole. I have to say that this is not terrible, I expected it to be terrible.

HAH MOM, you see I can cook. Time past by and in no time my gorgeous amazing girlfriend was back home. The bell rang and I rushed over to the door, I opened it. 'Yeaaah you are home!' She wrapped her arms around my torso and hid her face in the crook of my neck. 'I was gone for like five hours, Shawn.'

I took her head between my hands and pecked her lips. 'Well, I made dinner. Fuck dinner.' I rushed back to the kitchen and was just on time. I placed the taco in the oven so we could just put the kitchen in it. Y/n jumped on the counter and watched me make the tacos. 'Aw, thank you babe. I really love tacos!' 'Wait, the final touch.'

I grabbed the bowl with avocados and saw her face lighten up. 'OH MY GOD!' She yelled happily. She wanted to place everything on table but I was first. 'Babe, enjoy this moment.' We took a seat and started to eat.

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