Vikram turned and looked straight into Nitin's eyes. His eyes were unflinching, cold and frightening.

"Were there any finger prints on that girl's body?" Vikram asked.

"No Vikram Ji, that was the first thing I checked. Your brother was clever enough to wear gloves that day."

Vikram's gaze relaxed.

Nitin continued eagerly.

"Also nothing in that girl's room could be linked in any way to your brother either. They did a thorough job. It's just that CCTV footage that ruined the whole thing."

"Hmm... they should have been more careful. But we never thought it would come to this. Kamal always did a splendid job in these sorts of things. Pity!!! Why the hell did he try to backstab me like this?" Vikram finally snapped.

"Vikram Ji the more I think of it, the more I began to realise that there is a lot about Kamal Sir and this case, that I don't know. I mean the money part I can understand, he benefited heavily due to your kind support but all that secrecy, and his inability to control or stop Ajay in early stages. That whole shooting incident of your brother... I am sure if he tried hard enough, he could have prevented it.

It just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth." Nitin retorted furiously.

"What do you mean?" Vikram's predatory eyes were boring into Nitin again.

"According to S I Sarang, once they entered the factory, he and the constables went one way, and Kamal Sir and Pratap ji the other way, trying to catch Ajay. Sarang was busy trying to chase and catch that girl who was with Ajay. So he arrived at the scene only after Ajay shot your brother. But there was a lot of time in between. What were they all doing ? As I said I don't know." Nitin said frustratedly.

"Oh that! Yes Kamal explained to me. It seems Ajay was hiding behind a pillar, so they couldn't shoot at him clearly. There was a bit of to and fro fire. But yes I agree, it could have been prevented and I would never forgive him for that. If only I reached there earlier, I could have saved my brother." Vikram became emotional.

Recovering himself, he said to Nitin.

"You concentrate on what you need to do now. Understand?"

"Sure Vikram Ji. I will see you again soon." Nitin took his leave and decided to go back to the station, and do more digging into Kamal's life.

After Nitin left, Vikram was in deep thought trying to analyse his words.


As promised, Ajay returned to Amrita's room within a short time. They both went into the washroom which had a decent space and washbasin. She was excited and bursting with anticipation. Amrita started to get everything ready and stopped as she observed the smile lurking on Ajay's face.

"What is it? Why are you suddenly looking so happy?"

Ajay slowly advanced towards her and she walked backwards till her back hit the wash stand.

He placed both his hands on either side of her on the wash stand and murmured against her lips.

"Well you know what Ammu? If you shave me here, it will get all messy on the floor and then I need change of clothes which I haven't brought along. Let's do it under the shower. All the mess will get washed away and I can fulfil my fantasy too afterwards."

Amrita tried to push him away.

"Gaawwd. Why do you have such single track mind all the time? You had to turn even my innocent request into something else, don't you?"

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