"Your honour, I think Mr Dixit has clarified all the details necessary for this court, to confirm that there was no impersonation done by Ms Amrita, and there was no data breach. Prolonging this cross examination anymore would be a waste of court's precious time. But just in case you still doubt Mr Dixit's testimony, I want to make sure that, my client Ms Amrita Mehta's involvement in this matter is cleared once and for all. I will do a hands count to prove my client's innocence.

He slowly walked up to the Gallery.

"Everyone who is an employee of NASSCOM, can you please stand up."

Around 6 people stood up.

"Miss Amrita, Can you stand up please??

Khurana turned towards NASSCOM employees and asked.

"Has any one seen this young lady at your office promises at any time?"

They all replied that they didn't. Khurana asked all of them to resume their seats.

There were loud cheers and whistles from the gallery. Naveen shook his head in mockery at Ravi Rajan, as the latter was still looking daggers at Khurana to be dealt with such blow.

"Your honour, I think this conclusively proves my point. My opponent is just trying to mislead the court and Mr Anand Rai had lied on oath, I hope proper steps are taken against both of them in this regard." Khurana pleaded.

"Your honour, if my client has told me a lie how can I be punished for that? I took Mr Anand Rai's statement as being truthful and asked him to give his evidence in court. I cannot be punished for someone else's falsehoods." Ravi Rajan replied emotionally.

Judge Thapar looked at both attorneys and cleared his throat.

"The Court orders Mr Anand Rai to pay a fine of Rupees 5000 for perjury of court, as he had lied under oath. I am also issuing a warning to Mr Rajan, to make sure the evidence submitted in court be verified thoroughly. The court is adjourned for today. The next trial hearing will be on Thursday."

Everyone rose as Judge Thapar left the court chambers.

Ravi Rajan looked venomously at Rakesh Khurana and hissed " This is just the beginning."

Khurana bowed to him and replied, "Yes, it is. You don't know what you started here Mr Rajan."

Rajan looked as if he wanted to give a stingy retort to Khurana, but decided against it, and left the court in a hurry.

A relieved Sonali hugged Amrita, and Brijesh kissed his daughter on her forehead, as he felt elated that her daughter's integrity had been proven once and for all in the court.

Nitin walked up to Khurana and Kabir Khan and congratulated them.

"I am really glad that the noose around Kamal is tightening slowly." He said ecstatically.

"Ah but we shouldn't forget Pratap Chaudhary as well." Khurana cautioned him.

"But Sir there is not much we can do there, that guy is already dead right?" Nitin shrugged.

"Justice is Justice my dear, and it has to be delivered whether you are a victim or a criminal, alive or dead." Khurana replied back in his deep, firm voice.

" Khurana replied back in his deep, firm voice

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