Chapter 40: Eiken and Cynister: Let Freedom Ring (Part 2)

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  We arrived at Erica's mom house and she was looking at us very suspicious. I can tell she was trying to read us and I know we are very readable. I looked at her and started crying cause she looked so much like Erica. I want my best friend back.

Sonia: Why is everybody crying?

King: *crying* We want our mommies.

Sonia: Where are they?

Amy: *crying* In a building.

Sonia: Doing what?

King: We don't know but we want them back.

Sonia: Albee where are my daughters?

Albee: *wiping his face* I can't tell you just yet I have orders to follow.

Sonia: Who's orders?

Albee: Erica's.

Sonia: Did something happen to them?

Albee: I don't know yet but I promise you will be the first to know.

Sonia: If something happened to them and you are not telling me I'm gonna kill you Albee.

Albee: I understand Ma but please just let me finish out my orders please?

*Sonia looked at him and saw the sincerity in his eyes and left him alone. Meanwhile on the other side of town. Erica and Cyn walked out of the building hand in hand with guns in their hands like the modern day Bonnie and Clyde. They got in the car and went to their mother house.*

Cyn: *laying on Erica* Are you ok baby?

Erica: *wrapping her arms around Cyn* I'm awesome. Are you ok?

Cyn: I'm great I just wished that we could have finished our night.

Erica: We always have tomorrow.

Cyn: Yea. Well let's get to our babies.

Erica: Hey.

Cyn: Yea.

Erica: I love you, Mrs. Cynthia Mena.

Cyn: I love you, too, Mrs. Erica Mena.

*They kissed and went to Sonia's house. When they walked in the door everyone jumped on them. King and Amy hugged them so tight that they almost choked them.*

Cyn: We are happy to see y'all to but y'all are choking us.

Amy: Sorry Mama but we were scared and missing y'all.

Erica: I know but here we are.

King: Don't leave us again.

Cyn: We won't now go take a bath and get in bed.

Amy: Can we get in the bed with y'all?

Cyn: Sure but y'all gotta brush y'all teeth too.

King: *smiling* Ok come on MJ.

*They took off running and Erica and Cyn smiled. They looked at Albee and Stella and told them to come and step outside with them.*

Cyn: Are y'all ok?

Albee: Hell no we are not ok. What the fuck was that?

Erica: A security system.

Stella: That was not the plan.

Cyn: Look sometimes plans change. Albee you would bring hell to this Earth if someone took DJ. We just brought hell to part of Miami.

Albee: You are right but that was the scariest shit I have ever done.

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