After all, the sentiments expressed by him were respectful. He nodded his head again, and asked Kamal and Nitin to sit in the lounge next to him. Following subtle signals from Vikram's secretary, the rest of the party moved away from the group now.

"Yes, it's a loss that will haunt me for the rest of my life. If it wasn't for the fact that Kamal had destroyed the police dog that caused my brother's death, I wouldn't be sitting here chatting with everyone or even be functional. This political power, this position...all  this is nothing to me when compared to my brother. I would have gone after that bastard myself, if he hadn't died in that accident. And I would have destroyed half the police force if they stood in my way." Vikram looked challengingly at Nitin. It felt like Vikram was testing where Nitin's loyalties were, and Nitin plunged at the opportunity to prove himself.

"I would have done the same if I was in your position sir, I would have avenged if my family had been harmed. I am not wearing my uniform right now but even if I did, I would say the same. I may be a policeman for the society but when it comes to my family, I would not wait for the justice system to take its snail paced course, in giving the so called punishment for anyone who dared to touch my family." Nitin's emotional outburst was well received by everyone as it matched the fury and revenge of Vikram.

Kamal felt almost sick, looking at the fury and hatred in everyone's eyes for the killer of Pratap.

He almost felt like leaving the party then and there, and go home.

"Sir! I just wanted to make clear to you that I am not like my predecessor, the bastard who killed your brother. If there is anything I can do to help in the investigation, I will do it. Kamal Sir is our senior most in the station, and I don't want him to be troubled." Nitin offered.

"What is there to be investigated further Nitin? It is an open and shut case. Sarang had already done all the leg work and preliminary work, we will just provide all our evidence to the coroner and district court, and it will be declared as murder. As the accused criminal Ajay is already dead, case will be closed in a short time. We don't have to worry about it." Kamal smiled quickly, which looked more like a grimace.

"Of course Sir, I am not suggesting your investigation was in anyway incomplete, I was just offering my services." Nitin said apologetically, and Kamal silently sighed in relief.

"But now that we are on that topic anyway, I heard that there was a girl with Ajay that day, when the shooting happened. Have we managed to find out who that was, or where she disappeared to?" Nitin asked Kamal in a casual voice.

Vikram looked up sharply at Nitin and Kamal. 

Kamal squirmed under his intense gaze.

"Kamal, what girl is he talking about? You never told me about this." Vikram snapped.

"Kamal Sir, I am so sorry. I thought everyone knew." Nitin looked flustered.

"VikramJi it is nothing, there was a nurse or girl from the hospital, that Ajay kidnapped or took along with her. We exactly don't know how she came into the picture. As we were chasing Ajay's car, I asked Pratap too about the girl, but he couldn't tell me anything either. The moment Ajay reached the factory, she made a run for it and drove away. Sarang and other constables tried to chase her, but she was too fast. I was with Pratap, looking after him and chasing Ajay at the other end. But rest assured; she had nothing to do with Pratap's murder. So we left the enquiries after sometime, as it was a dead end. And you know, how your family... in fact all of us  were too distressed after what happened, so I didn't broach that subject with you. That's all." Kamal hoped against hope that his explanation was convincing enough for Vikram.

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