"Ammu, let me worry about my exam. Not you. It's been so long since we saw any movies; that packing can wait. I am leaving early morning tomorrow and I haven't done any yet. You still got time." Ajay came close to Ammu and looked at her longingly.

Amrita looked into his eyes, and couldn't turn her gaze away. She too wanted to spend some time with him but...

"I think she wants to go... but just with you dear." Shyam guessed shrewdly.

"NO!" Both Ajay and Amrita denied in unison.

"Ok then, as long I get to sit next to her, I am good to go." Shyam mocked.

Ajay came towards him and strangled him playfully.

"As long as I get to strangle you, I am happy too." He replied.

Amrita was happy to see Shyam back in his jovial mood after so long. She got ready quickly, and joined the guys to go to the movies.

As they were just leaving, Amrita noticed a visibly upset Vidya coming in. Amrita called out to her if she wants to come too.

But Vidya refused politely, and walked away towards her room.

As Amrita was watching the movie, Ajay whispered in her ear.

"Seriously Ammu, have I asked you to come to watch the movie?" She pinched him lightly, and moved a bit closer, wrapping her arm around his, and rested her face on his shoulder. She was embarrassed that Shyam or Mukesh might hear or notice them, but they seemed engrossed in the movie.

"I will be gone for 4 days. I am going to miss you." Ajay nuzzled against her hair and murmured.

"Me too." Amrita whispered.

Whenever appropriate, Ajay kept kissing her hair or forehead and Amrita just closed her eyes in a bliss, inhaling his smell. Just as the movie was about to finish, Ajay quickly grabbed her lips and gave a swift kiss. Amrita blushed so deeply, that she was thankful that they were in a dark theatre.

Ajay dropped Amrita at her home and they said goodbye to each other. Both kept looking at each other, as if they didn't want to move.

Finally Amrita had a spot of courage; she quickly kissed on Ajay's lips and then ran away inside

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Finally Amrita had a spot of courage; she quickly kissed on Ajay's lips and then ran away inside. Ajay's face was lit up with a content smile, as he walked slowly towards Dr Sharma's home.

Once he went inside, he saw Shyam asking Dr Sharma for his car keys, as he had to urgently go somewhere.

When he saw Ajay walking towards him, he quickly hugged him and left, saying he will be back in few hours. Dr Sharma looked at Ajay in confusion, as both didn't know why Shyam was in such a hurry.

Both of them shrugged and smiled, as they went to the dining table where Mrs Sharma was waiting for them.

 Later,  Ajay quickly packed his bags for his trip, and waited for Shyam to return. He called a few times too but Shyam wasn't answering his calls.

For YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ