Chapter 30: At Peace and Peacefulness

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Amy: Ok.

Erica: Y'all give Mama a kiss and go eat lunch.

A/K: *giving Cyn a kiss* Love you Mama get well soon.

Cyn: Love you too babies I will.

Erica: You should be ashamed.

Cyn: Of what?

Erica: Using your kids to get what you can't have.

Cyn: *looking like she was about to cry* I hate this baby I really don't like sitting in a room all day it bring back old memories.

Erica: Well let's get out the room.

Cyn: *wiping away her tears* But I can't walk out of here.

Erica: I got something. *got up and went in the closet and came out with a wheelchair* Here you go.

Cyn: *smiling* Thanks baby.

Erica: That's the smile I've been waiting to see. So let's go and get in the car Mommy is on her way here anyway to see the kids. All I got to do is ask her to watch them.

Cyn: You would do all of this for me.

Erica: *bending down to kiss Cyn* I would do anything for you. Now let me get you washed and dress then we can go.


  I couldn't sit in that room anymore it felt like I was in solitary confinement. I was about to have a nervous breakdown because being it that room reminded me of when we got in trouble as a kid thats what we did with the door shut. If the other kids was having fun the door would be open so you can see them play while you just sit there. That is how I felt, like I was being punish for being hardheaded. I know that I wasn't suppose to be hanging up pictures but I got bored when Erica had to go to work. She left the same day as the kids so I was bored and alone. What else was I suppose to do? We got in the cat and she took me to the park. We just sat down by the water and I just looked at my wife. She looked at peace and I was loving it.

Erica: Why are you staring at me?

Cyn: Because you are radiant and you look at peace.

Erica: I am at peace. Life is everything that I ever dreamed of and more.

Cyn: I'm glad that you can finally be at peace after all you have went through.

Erica: In a way I'm glad that I went through all of that.

Cyn: Why?

Erica: Because without going through bullshit I would have never known what peacefulness is.

Cyn: That's true.

Erica: *looking at Cyn with the most sincere eyes* I love you Cynthia Mena.

Cyn: *smiling* I love you, too, Erica Mena.

*They spent the whole day at the park talking about life and what else they needed to do before the babies came.*

*A month later*


Cyn: I'M COMING. *walking out the room* Stop yelling at me I said I was coming.

Erica: Sorry baby but you schedule this class so let's go.

Cyn: Ok I'm ready.


  I finally got off bed rest and we was on our way to this birthing class. I wanted to do this because this is my first time giving birth so I found out that a birthing class that could ease through this transition. I was glad that Erica agreed to do this with me even though I know she don't want to. We arrived at the building and I looked around and it was a lot of people here with their husbands. Erica signed us in then the lady gave us our package and escorted us to our sitting area. I was so excited to do this that all I could do was smile.

Erica: I see someone's happy.

Cyn: I am and I glad you came with me cause I know you don't wanna be here.

Erica: I am here anytime you need me, for anything, even if I don't like it.

Cyn: Thanks baby.

Erica: You're welcome.

*The instructor came in*

Instructor: Let's get started.

*Cyn sat down then looked up and said...*

Cyn: Oh shit...

(A/N: Why did Cyn say Oh shit? What's about to happen now? Can the Menas ever have a normal day? I know that this is a short chapter but its just a teaser. Let me know what you think. Don't forget to Vote Vote Vote and Comment Plz.)

Cynica: The Love Story of Erica Mena & Cyn SantanaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat