Chapter 23: The Menas

Start from the beginning

Erica: Yes we did. Oh my god baby. We are having a baby.

Cyn: *kissing Erica* Mmm... Yes we are.

Dr.: Well I can see that's good news. So you are about two months along so that's morning sickness you are experiencing.

Cyn: Well I'm ready for it to go away.

Dr.: It might or you will have it for the whole pregnancy.

Cyn: I hope not. Well thank you Doc at least I know now.

Dr.: Well let me get you your discharge papers and you can get out of here.

E/C: Thanks.


  Sound crazy doesn't it for us not to remember that we was trying to get pregnant in the first place. I guess that we got tired of thinking that it wouldn't happen cause we took a pregnancy test like a week later but nothing I guess it was defective. Well we will finish memory lane a little later I gotta take my kids to school.



King: We gonna be late Mama.

Cyn: I know I'm sorry. Mama is still not feeling well.

Amy: Being pregnant seems like it sucks.

Cyn: *under her breath* You have no idea.

Amy: What you say Mama?

Cyn: Nothing let's move.


  I got them to school about ten mins late. I was really feeling bad today and I wanted to call Erica about it but I didn't want to worry her. I knew she was gonna FaceTime me soon so I was gonna have to tough it out. Whoever said that pregnancy was a beautiful thing lied but don't get me wrong for some people it is, just not me. I was ready to get this over with right now cause my back was killing me and I gained a lot of weight so this was not comfortable at all. And yes people I'm bitching cause I got the right to. This is horrible and I must have been tripping when I said I want to do this three times. When I got in the car my phone went off and I looked at it and it was Erica FaceTiming me so I put on a brave face and a smile.

Erica: Hey beautiful, how are both of my babies?

Cyn: *rubbing her belly* We are fine. How are you I miss you so much when are you coming home?

Erica: I'm coming home in two days. I should be there before your appointment.

Cyn: That's too long I need you home now I'm lonely and I miss you so much.

Erica: Aww baby I miss you too but just count the hours and I will be there before you know it but I got to go. I will call you back when the kids get out of school so I can talk to them. I love you. Muah.

Cyn: Ok I love you, too. Muah.


  I disconnected the call and turn to see Albee putting my bags in the car. What Cyn doesn't know is that I will be home today. I can't wait to see my baby I haven't seen her in three weeks and I was having Cyn withdrawal. Albee came over and told me that we are ready to go so I jumped in the car on my way to LAX airport. I love Cali but Miami is where my family is so I love there more. We got to the airport and I looked over at Albee staring at me.

Erica: Why the fuck are you staring at me?

Albee: Cause Cyn made you soft as shit.

Erica: What the fuck are you talking about?

Cynica: The Love Story of Erica Mena & Cyn SantanaWhere stories live. Discover now