"Dada... my brother Protik is addicted to alcohol. I have tried various ways to get him off this addiction... not just me but my friends and relatives too, we all did. But he defied all of us and continued with his corrosive habits. If I didn't give me money, he would threaten me and grab whatever was available at home and go for his daily drink. He wasn't like this before. He had good qualifications, great job and lifestyle but he lost one by one to this addiction. Now he is solely dependent on my income not just for survival, but to feed his addiction as well.

My main worry was due to the drink driving. Whenever he left home, I would be worried till he arrived back home safely. The very fact that my brother continued to drive, in spite of his drink driving offences would be a good indication of how efficient our traffic police is."

Ajay wasn't sure what made his heart heavier. All the troubles that she had faced in her young life, or the emotionless tone in which she was speaking about them.

"I recently threatened him that I will sell off the car, so he reduced the driving a bit. But today he saw me leave for a conference and slipped out. I am an IT security analyst. Recently I got a research scholarship to go to US, but how could I leave this guy and go?

Last month he forced me to apply for a local job here in Nasscom Security Company because their pay package was really good. I was supposed to join there next week, but I won't be joining now. I will pursue my research in US." She sighed with relief, as if saying all this had taken a load off her chest.

Ajay was impressed with her open and frank manner. Even though he never disclosed what went on in his mind with anyone, let alone strangers, he felt like sharing his feelings with her.

"As I said, I was brought up by father's friend who was almost like a father figure to me. If I am in this position today, it is due to his blessings and guidance. But I am so impressed with you. I know how tough it is to be on your own, without any help from family or relatives. But you are so brave, you have done this from such young age and you have looked after your brother as well."

He looked admiringly at her and continued.

"You have done everything you could to help your brother. I am not judging you at all. In fact no one has any right to judge. Today I have seen three different instances on how people react or protect if their siblings are in danger or hurt. To tell you the truth, today is one of the most memorable days in my life." He declared sincerely.

Sonali was thankful for his frank and thoughtful comments.

She averted her face and looked out of the window, trying to contain her emotions and realised that they have reached her home.

Ajay stopped the jeep and Sonali thanked him.

As she was about to get down, he reminded her.

"If you come to the hospital day after tomorrow, well actually tomorrow (as he looked at his watch) I will ensure that all formalities are completed, and you can take your brother home. "

"Thanks once again for all the help. If you hadn't been there today, no one would have cared and my brother would probably been left to die on a road." She started crying then.

He raised his hand and tried to reach out to her but then stopped himself.

Ajay spoke gently as his voice shook with emotion.

"Sonali Please! You are insulting me by thanking me. If I can't do at least this, my uniform has no meaning or value. Helping someone in life or death situation is my duty not just as a policeman but as a fellow human being. That's all. That bloody surgeon..." he controlled himself and went on, " I will make sure to take action against him. Leave it to me because this is not the time to waste your thoughts on it. Please try not to think too much and get some sleep, and I will see you tomorrow. OK?"

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