After getting the all clear signal, Pratap and his henchmen carried the body of Vidya, through the IT LAB corridor towards the Dean's car,  closely followed by Kamal and the Dean . Later they slowly drove their car all the way to hostel driveway towards Vidya's room.

Pratap's men took Vidya's body inside and hung it to the ceiling fan. Kamal Chaudhary ripped the top part of Vidya's statement which was addressed to the Nasscom Security Company.

It now read like this.

I admit that I have made a mistake. I take full responsibility for this.

Signed Vidya

They left the note securely on the bed, and checking once more that everything was in place, closed the door behind him and left. 

Kamal, Pratap and his gang slowly walked back to the Hospital entrance through the same path they came before. Dean drove back his car to the entrance and was waiting for them. 

Pratap and his henchmen left in their 4 wheel drive while the Dean dropped Kamal back at Vikram Chaudhary's mansion where his Jeep was. 

Vikram congratulated Kamal and Pratap, and was happy to know that their little operation was a complete success.


Ajay was held up as in the police station, as planned by SP Kamal Chaudhary by his trusted constables with one excuse or another.

By the time he finished his work and paper work, it was almost 11pm. He went home and crashed on to his bed.

Next day morning, Kamal Chaudhary arrived early at the police station, and Dean was in his office too by 8 am. It was arranged that the Dean would instruct the hostel warden to get the cleaners to clean all the rooms in Vidya's hostel floor.

As they anticipated, the cleaners ran for help the moment they found Vidya's body hanging in her room. The Dean called the police station, and Kamal and his trusted constable immediately left for the hostel.

Constable Ramesh who was just entering the police station saw this, and wondered why and where the Superintendent of Police was going, so early in the morning.

After reaching the hostel, SP Kamal Chaudhary met the grieving Dean and Warden. He started preliminary investigation, and asked all the present witnesses about what they saw etc. He then called the Police station to arrange for the forensic team and photographer to arrive. Everyone in the police station was now aware of the death of Vidya, but were too sad to break the news to Ajay.

Just then Ajay arrived at the Police station, cursing himself for being late again.

Everyone looked apprehensively at him. Ajay didn't understand what was going on.

Constable Ramesh approached Ajay and choked "Sir, the most terrible thing happened.

We are not sure what the facts are actually... We just got a call from Vidya Madam's hostel. They were saying that she had committed suicide. I just can't believe it. Please go there straight away Sir. SP Chaudhary Sir is already there."

Ajay looked stunned, unable to comprehend what Ramesh was talking about. How could Vidya commit Suicide? Impossible. What was going on?

Mechanically he rushed back to his Jeep and started driving towards the hostel.

He felt as if his head is spinning. Tears stung in his eyes. He blinked them away.

 He blinked them away

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