"Relax, [____], Papa is just going to go visit a friend, first."

She looked at the radio inside the car, the news guy was talking about some villain who terrorized a mall a few days ago but a hero stopped him and no one was hurt. The time in the device said it was 6:34 am, which meant they had two hours left to spare before school actually started.

'I wonder who is Papa's friend...He always speaks of him...'

In her mind, she pictured a strong, loud and very funny guy. Though when she stood in front of the Bakugo's family house, she realized who her father's best friend was.


"Heey, Masaru! Where's that wife of yours?! How's the married life treating you?!" [____]'s dad was louder than ever, even while they sat down in the dining table to have breakfast. "Mine is out and about somewhere right now! I don't know exactly where she's at, but man she sure is beautiful!"

"Shouldn't you be more concerned about where she is? What if something happens to her?" The man looked the same age as her father, alright, but [____] couldn't stop wondering if he was really Katsuki's dad.

He was so sophisticated, so mild...He looked like a regular dad, so how and where did Katsuki get that arrogance if he came from a family and home like that?

"Also, my wife and son are asleep right now so I'll have to ask for you to please keep it down, Manato."

The red haired man laughed, a little less louder, "That wife sure keeps you on a leash, doesn't she?! Anyway..."

They continued a conversation that [____] wasn't interested in listening. Her dad sure acted like he was the alpha between the two, but if only Mr. Bakugo could see how her mother is the one who has a final say back at home...

"Ah, [____], would you like some juice?" Masaru suddenly asked her, catching her off guard.

She nodded once.

As he handed her an apple juice box from the fridge, he looked at her father. "You're real lucky to have a quiet child like this, you know. Boys can be so much to handle..."

"May I use your restroom?" The little girl was tired of listening and she felt the need to wash her hands before touching her food, so she asked.

"Yes, do you need your father to guide you?"

She shook her head. "I'll figure it out on my own..."

As she walked away she could hear her dad asking again. "Are you sure you don't need my help, honey?!"


Thankfully, the bathroom door was already wide open, so it was easy for her to find it. She used the little red stool next to the sink to reach the faucet and began to wash her hands.

"Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear [____].....happy birthday to m—"

"Who are you and why are you in here?"

The voice of her blond classmate scared her for a second. Although she continued to wash her hands and sing the second verse inside her head.

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