Prompto Argentum x Reader- Not Too Late

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Many years ago, you fell in love with a wonderful boy named Prompto. He was everything that you had ever hoped for in a lover; strong, sweet, compassionate, funny, and for a bonus, handsome. None of that had changed. Sadly though, he was never your lover. Nor did he know you even existed. Cliché. A person falls in love with someone who isn't the slightest bit aware of them. That cliché unfortunately reflected your own life.


It all started out when you were in elementary school. You were a new student in grade 4 and it didn't help that you were possibly the most bashful kid on Eos. It just so happened that the only seat available was beside a fairly large boy with blonde hair, freckles, glasses, and a camera. Right when your eyes landed on him, your heart hammered uncomfortably against your ribcage. Even though he was bigger compared to the other boys, he sure was cute. It took you a few days to realize why your heart would go crazy and you got extra bashful around him. You had that 'crush' thing that you heard many people mention before. However, you never, ever uttered a word to him. He never spoke to you either. He was a loner, you could tell, by the way he only seemed to be looking at his camera and ignoring everything around him. You never saw him with anyone, so it was safe to assume that he had zero friends, just like you. Of course, you wanted to change that. You wanted to be his friend. But, everytime you tried to approach him, something would stop you the very last second. You became increasingly frustrated with each missed chance and every passing day.

At one point, you just gave up on the idea and continued to silently watch him in the shadows, watching him grow.


Then high school hit. It was a big change for everyone, including you. There was one thing that didn't change though; you had no friends. You never understood why it was so hard to make just one friend. You had lots of friends before grade 4, but ever since you moved, your whole entire life had changed. You had changed. Instead of being an outgoing, talkative person before, you were now a shy, awkward, and stoic person. Another thing that didn't change was your infatuation towards the boy named Prompto. After elementary, he shed his excess weight, lost his glasses, and seemed to take up a very cheerful personality; one that was extremely similar to yours before you moved to the city. Also, he had made a friend; Prince Noctis himself. In all honesty, you envied the boy of royal birth. He had beaten you in your attempt to be Prompto's (seemingly) first friend. But, then you remembered that you never gave it a shot after giving up.

And despite all the self-talks and confidence-boosting that you had put yourself through, you just couldn't get the right amount of courage to go and talk to him, to even say a simple "hello". Again, you simply stayed by the sidelines, watching him.


You never saw him after graduation. It was the most painful day of your life. Even though the event was to be a joyful milestone in your life, for you, it was the day that you felt your heart truly break. You saw the ever-cheerful smile on his face as he threw his graduation cap into the air and celebrated the fact that he was finished school.

And you watched him... as he walked away from you, completely oblivious to the fact that he was leaving you behind like a man abandoning his lover for another. A lover he never had.


It had been 13 years now. The memory of the handsome blonde man only vaguely leaving your memory. It had been several weeks since light was restored to the world after a decade-long absence. Things were finally going back to normal for most people. For you though...

At 30 years of age, you were still running a small convenience store that was once popular and regularly functioning. Still no friends, and no more family after your father, your sole parent, was taken away by starsourge. You were all alone. You still had yet to experience your first kiss... It was a sad, sad story for you.


Putting away some boxed goods in your recently re-opened store, you began to reflect on your life. Many questions filled your mind: How did it end up like this? Where did I go wrong? Why am I still so alone? Question after question, you asked yourself until one particular question came to mind: Why haven't I found someone yet?


The image of that boy filled your sense of thought almost immediately. It made you think harder than ever, to the point where you paused on stocking your shelves.

You asked yourself even more questions: Was it because of him that I'm like this? Is it because I didn't speak up to him? If I had, would things have turned out differently for me? ...

Sadly, you concluded that you never did have a chance with your life-long crush. Yet, you still couldn't help but feel the butterflies that he gave you from just the thought of him. Even after 13 years of separation, your love for him never ceased. Regrettably, you told yourself that it was too late. He was long gone. You missed your chance and you would never get another one.


You heard the sound of the counter's bell, indicating a customer was requesting your service. When you turned around... the most unbelievable sight met your eyes.

It was him.


Standing mere feet from you. He had gotten older and more mature looking. But, it was still him. His same ever-cheeful smile never leaving his face. Your heart was ready to explode at any moment, your knees grew limp and it became hard to breathe.

"Hey, there. I was wondering if you were starting to sell things here again."

Maybe... it wasn't too late.


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