Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader- Acting Skills

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The day was boring to say the least. All you've been doing all day was sitting on your rear end in the car, sandwiched between Gladiolus and Noctis. Prompto and Ignis were in the front, arguing about whether or not to put the music on since Noctis was napping. You looked to your side and saw that Noctis was indeed napping. Looking the other way, Gladio was looking somewhere in the distance, oblivious to the world.

"Ah, come on, Iggy! Even when I swiped the car to help the puppy, he didn't wake up!" Prompto whined.

"It would be best not to disturb him," Ingis replied calmly. 

Just then, Noctis yawned and started stretching. 

"Too late!" Prompto announced and turned on the radio. 

"Too late for what?" the sleepy prince asked.

"Nothing," Gladio interjected. 

With that, Noctis relaxed in his seat and proceeded to go back to sleep. You inwardly sighed. He always slept when he had the chance. You almost never got to see the handsome blue eyes you loved so much. You've been in love with the man since childhood. You didn't think that he returned your feelings at all. 

However, you, being an actress-in-training, wanted to test your skills. You faked a yawn and tilted your head down "lazily". Prompto noticed this and decided to be chivalrous and put the raving music down. After a few minutes, the car hit a bump, which 'caused' your head to bounce to the side and land on Noctis's shoulder. 

Noctis's eyes snapped open at this and a blush splashed on his cheeks. Prompto and Gladio giggled. Even Ignis put on an amused smirk as he looked through the rear-view mirror at you two. Your lips twitched up the slightest bit.


Eventually, the gang decided to stop at a hotel for the night instead of camping. When Ignis parked the car, you were still 'sleeping'. It was decided, intentionally, that the prince would carry you to the reserved room.

Needless to say, Noctis had a little trouble, due to not being used to carrying people. You did your hardest not to laugh or smile when you heard and felt his struggle. Soon, he reached your room and gently laid you down on the bed, pulling the silky covers over you. However, the moonlight was shining through the window and putting a radiant, milky beam on your skin, making you look even more beautiful. It was enough to catch Noctis's eye.

The young prince felt his face getting warm from looking at your innocent face.  He looked over his shoulder to make sure no one was watching and in the blink of an eye;

His lips were on yours.

Your eyes shot open. Your cheeks were red right away. But, as you felt him pull away, you closed your eyes again. 

Noctis looked at the door again and put another quick chaste kiss on your lips before shuffling out of the room.

When you heard the door close, your eyes opened and you put your fingers to the lips on which Noctis's own touched. You smiled and mentally praised yourself.

Acting skills really did come in handy.


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