Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader- The Dream

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Dedicated to Polli2123

You finally shut off your gaming console after hours of playing your most treasured game: Final Fantasy XV. Your eyes were blood-shot red and everything around you felt... out of vibe. But, it was all worth it as you had finally finished the game and saw the ending, which made your emotions go haywire. Like the majority of the FFXV fangirls, you had a soft spot for the protagonist of the game, prince Noctis. Who wouldn't love him? He was sweet, strong, hot, and even better; not real. You could fantasize about him all you wanted and no one could blame you.

After taking a shower and brushing your teeth, you hopped into bed.



You sighed. The veins in your head were still throbbing like crazy and those sore eyes were more irritated when shut. You were starting to regret playing that game for a whole day straight. ...! The game... Noctis.

Your lips twitched into a tiny smile at the thought of that handsome stud. You imagined him draping an arm around your waist, kissing the back of your head, saying goodnight. Without noticing, you started to drift off as you fell deeper into your pleasing thoughts.


You were on a balcony, gazing at the large blanket of stars that covered the city of Insomnia. It was a blessing really. Any large city such as this would only get a handful of visible stars if lucky. You inhaled a long breath of crisp, frosty air, making your body tingle and relax.


Your eyes shot open at the voice. The lungs in your chest felt as if they had shut down for you were unable to get any more air into them. You slowly turned... and there he stood.


"Hey. I was wondering where you were," he said softly as he calmly walked toward you. Each step made your heart beat stronger.

"W-What are you doing here, Your Highness?" you asked nervously, a blush resting on your cheeks.

"Had nothing to do with time to spare, so I decided to spend it with you." He leaned against the railing, trying to get a better look at your face, which you were trying to hide by turning the other way.

"M-Me?" you asked, still trying your best to avoid eye contact with him.

"Yes. You. Why? You don't want to spend time with me?"

"Ah-No, no! I do. I..just..." Your words trailed off. You didn't know what to say. That's the one thing you loathed about yourself: you were always so shy(especially around men-attractive men) that your mind would seize to function when you needed it the most. Suddenly, a hand slowly snaked up to grasp your chin, turning it the opposite direction at which you were facing, causing you to lock eyes with Noctis.

"You what?" he asked, his expression filled with longing. You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Your were utterly tongue-tied by the glorious sight before you. The prince's eyes were the deepest shade of blue you've ever seen, his hair was blacker than the sky above, and his skin so creamy, there was no doubt that it was soft. He gave a gentle smirk.

"You know I love you, right?"

Now it was really hard to breathe. Your face heated a few degrees higher, the thumping of your heart was almost too much for your chest to contain. Noctis then inched closer to you, making you unable to think. When you were only about an inch's width apart, you fluttered your eyes closed.

Then, his soft, pale lips ever so lightly grazed your own. Your mouth meekly opened agape, ready for a deep, passionate kiss...



Your eyes snapped open at the voice, leaving you dumbfounded and clueless of what had just happened.

"(Y/n), get up! You're going to be late for school!" your mother shouted from down the stairs. You flopped your head down into the pillows and let out a very frustrated sigh.

It just had to end at the good part. Nice.


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