"I promise I won't", he smiled.

It was now lunchtime and Yoongi and I walked towards the grass area where Eunha hangs out.

"Hey Yoongi..oh..you actually brought her. Anyways, I saved some lunch for you. It's really good", she said as she smiled at him.

"Thanks", he said.

The whole conversation, it was just Yoongi and Eunha talking. Yoongi would sometimes bring me into the conversation but Eunha would change the subject.

For the next class, I was alone. No one I really talked to. Math wasn't really my greatest subject but I at least try to understand.

After class was over, I walked towards my locker and opened it. My face scrunched up as I saw a piece of paper laying on one of my books. I picked it up and bit my lip when I saw a picture of me and Yoongi kissing. Well not really kissing but it looks like we are. The book that it was laying on was soaked with milk. That notebook was very important to me.

I looked around and noticed people looking at me. They were snickering and trying not to laugh.

"Sucks to be you."

I turned around and saw Eunha smirking.

"What are you, 21? And still haven't kissed anyone? Pathetic. No wonder Yoongi hasn't made a move on you. He won't. He's mine. You got that??", she roughly poked my chest and bumped into me as she walked by.

I stumbled a little and fell back. I tried not to let my tears fall but I failed as I heard more giggling and snickering. I quickly got up and ran towards the bathroom. I stayed there until school was over. Yoongi kept calling me but I didn't answer. I was too upset. It was around 6pm and luckily the gates were still open. I walked all the way home and fell asleep, ignoring the fact that I had a bunch of homework to do.

A few day later, I've been avoiding Yoongi. I didn't go to the classes he and I had together. I didn't go to my locker when I saw him waiting there.

During fifth period, I walked around because I didn't feel like going to class. I went to the back of the library and hung out there. I watched as the cars pass on the road. It's a good thing the school doesn't have a fence around it. They trust us too much.

"Hey beautiful."

I looked to my left and saw two guys smirking at me. They have the same uniform as me so they must go here too.

"You look a little lonely. Want us to join you?", one of them asked.

They walked over to me and sat down next to me. One of them had their hand on my thigh and the other one was playing with my hair. I tried to push them away but they were stronger than I was.

"Come on, don't push us away. We know you're desperate to kiss someone. We're here so why not kiss us", the tall one said.

The one that was touching my thigh forced his hand up my skirt and tried to put a finger in me while the other one was kissing my neck. I had my eyes closed because I was afraid. Then seconds later I felt a push. I opened my eyes and they were on the floor.

"You guys seriously wanna go to jail?? Keep that up and you'll eventually get there."

The guys brushed off the dirt from their shirt and pants and walked away. I kept my eyes looking at the floor. He sat down next to me and tried to hold my hand but I pulled away, stood up, and walked away.

"That's some way to thank the person that just saved you."

I stopped and looked back at Yoongi with tears in my eyes.

"Save me? Is that what you think you did? You caused this!", I yelled.

"How the hell did I cause this??", he asked.

"You told her. About my secret. You're the only one I told and you promised you wouldn't tell anyone. But I guess we're not really friends. She means more to you right? Is that why you did it?", I asked.

"What are you talking about??", he asked.

"You told Eunha that I never kissed anyone! You can't say you didn't because how else would she know??", I said.

"I didn't tell her anything. She must have overheard or something. But I swear I wouldn't do that", he said.

"You like her don't you?? You thought if you told her my secret, she would like you because she would think you were cool, is that it?", I asked him.

"Why are you worried that I like Eunha? You're crazy", he laughed.

"Stop laughing! You jerk! I hate yo-"

I was cut off to feel Yoongi's lips on mine. My eyes widened and my heart was beating fast. I felt sparks and fireworks and I don't know what else but it's a good thing.

He pulled away and smiled at me while my eyes were still wide open and my cheeks were burning with red.

"I like you, you idiot. I didn't tell her about your secret. I'll talk to her. I'll talk to everyone and tell them that you had your first kiss with me and they shouldn't make fun of you. And stop making crazy assumptions. Although it makes you look more attractive", he said, smiling.

He stepped back as he bit his lip. I was still in shock. He laughed and grabbed my hand. Even though I didn't expect my first kiss to be like that, I still enjoyed it.

Welp...I decided to do pairings/ships of the guys but only if you request them through PM.

So what's new with you guys?
I met someone! Although it's awkward because this is the second girl I've gone out with and she's shy like me but time will only tell if it's right😬

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