Chapter 48 War

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Listen to a sad song while reading this, my lovelies. 

Mark threw his phone across his room, gripping his hair in frustration. He couldn't believe it.  He was in the middle of doing his homework when he received an unknown caller and when he heard that voice again, he could have sworn he was dreaming.  Not being able to take it anymore, he decides to head out for a run to sort out his thoughts. But no matter how much he tries to, he couldn't erase their warning.

"Mark Tuan, do you remember me? It's been so long, hasn't it? You see, a little rat thought it was a good idea to defy my orders and even has a toy to play with now. I'll send you a photo of them later so you'll see who I'm talking about. I got a mission for you and that is to update me on their every move and their location. You do know what will happen if you disobey me, correct? Remember boy, you owe me.  I await your response in a week."

He finds himself growing less anxious as he runs further from his house but spoke too soon when he started to run faster toward the school entrance. Jackson was being held back by Namjoon as he fights with some boy he doesn't know. His eyes glance up for a brief second and saw two crying boys standing even farther from the scene, their faces in pain. In that moment he knew what had occurred and ran faster. 

He shoved Namjoon aside, who had a hard time pulling Jackson off and easily yank the shorter male backward, knocking him out cold to avoid any arguments. He swirls around and ducks just in time to see the black hair male aiming a punch at him before he rushes to Jackson side, hosting him up.

Hobi is about to murder someone, he could feel it in his blood. Just when he's about to claw Jackson's face, some taller male randomly appeared out of nowhere and took him away, only increasing his anger. His hands were itching to shed blood, that he knew. So when Jackson was knocked out cold, he slowly cranes his head to Namjoon, his body moving towards the pale face blonde. 

Suddenly, he felt pressure from behind and peers over his shoulder to see a crying red head male hugging him tightly, begging him to stop. A mint hair male came into view and held him from the front, effectively keeping him in the middle of the Yoonmin couple. "Let go," he growls, his eyes burning into Namjoon's body. But Jimin and Yoongi said nothing and held him tighter, afraid that if they even let their guard down, Namjoon could seriously get hurt. 

"It's about damn time someone stops him! Namjoon-oppa, are you ok?!" Victoria ran to Namjoon's side, who could only stare at the ground in shame. He didn't want all of this to happen, he was planning on doing things differently. He felt her touching his body to check for the injuries and froze when he heard that sweet voice. 

"Don't touch him." 

Everyone halted their action and turns to look at Jin, who finally stopped crying. Taehyung refused to look at Jungkook and Jungkook's heart broke. He tried getting closer but one look from Jin caused him to halt in fear. Hobi's eyes widen when he saw Jin walking closer to Namjoon and immediately tried to escape the tight grip. "Jin-hyung, what are you doing?!"

Jin kept mute and continue to walk toward Namjoon, his eyes never leaving those scared eyes. When two stood face to face, Namjoon saw the hurt and anger in Jin's eyes, increasing his guilt all the more. 

"Namjoon, why did you do it?" Jin asked softly, trying to maintain the eye contact. When Namjoon didn't respond, he laughs causing the taller male to flinch at the sudden reaction. 

"I knew something was up when you asked me to be your boyfriend on Valentine's day. But I didn't think too much about it because I was incredibly happy to finally get the chance to be with you. To be your boyfriend was a dream come true because Kim Namjoon, my heart was captured the minute I laid eyes on you. I've watched you interact with other girls and knew that I would never able to catch your eye. I knew that I can never compare to those girls or to the rest of the world, but for you, I could have given you the world. You were my happiness but to know that you faked everything....." Jin's eyes welled up, unable to continue. The pain became unbearable to talk he didn't want to be here anymore. He wanted to forget it all now. 

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