Author's Note ~Please Read~

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Annyeonghaseyo, Jin and Taehyung mida!~ (・∀・)v

Jin: First of all, gamsahamnida for taking the time to read author-nim's very first fanfic. She was inspired to published her ideas after reading several fanfictions about me and bae (Namjoon) and just had to write her own story. (>∀<)

Tae: I'm sorry if some readers find it too long and boring, author-nim is actually trying her best to not make it boring haha (ಥ﹏ಥ) but nonetheless, please be patient with her. She plans on keeping her readers on their toes and guessing, and while I do understand that some of you want her to hurry up and get straight to the main drama, I kindly ask that you be patient and continue to stick with author-nim until the end. ^-^

Jin: As you guys can see, her chapters are pretty much long and there's a reason for that. :D She likes to take her time and write step by step to let you guys engage yourselves with the characters, and so that whenever you're reading the chapters, it's like watching a movie in your head. She read many fanfictions that were superb but some of them had left huge gaps and it just bothered her because she likes step by step, and that's why she haven't gotten to the main plot of the story just yet. So my fellow readers, please be patient and continue to read OUR story. I promise you that author-nim will try her best to keep you guys guessing and wanting for more. (・ω<) 

Tae: To our readers,  Jin-hyung and I would like to request something, and that is if you guys would, please share author-nim story with your fellow followers and to those who you know will enjoy this type of story. If you guys enjoy it, please leave a comment --oh god, I made author-nim sound like a YouTuber now (╯ಠ‿ಠ)╯︵┻━┻) --

Author-nim: Hey! 

Tae: --so that it lets her know that you guys enjoy it! She loves receiving comments as it shows her that people are reading her story, and it also motivates her to continue writing more. So please spread the love! *Makes heart with his arms*

Jin: From the beginning, she published her story solely for her own self-pleasure, but then over time,  author-nim wanted others to read it because she wanted to see if other people will enjoy it as much as she is. So whenever you guys are reading our story and you enjoy it, not just our story but others as well, be sure to leave a comment and let them know that their work is great. Even if it's a simple "Wow, this is really good", that comment alone could make an author's day and I hope you guys keep that in mind whenever you're reading a fanfiction story. 

Jin: Also--

Tae: *Fart* *Blush*

Jin: Yah Taehyung! Manners! 

Tae: Sorry, Jin-hyung. 

Jin: Anyways, like I was saying -- *Fart*.....

Tae: .........MANNERS HYUNG!

~Please wait as Jin chases Taehyung around while holding a slipper in his hand~

Author-nim: ......(•゚д゚•)....(/ε\*)

Jin: Anyways, sorry about that. Like I was saying, author-nim understand it's long and she wanted you all to know that the best part will come soon and--

Tae & Jin: We hope that you all continued to read the story and stick with us until the end!! 

Jin: Thank you to the fellow readers who read since the beginning and is still here!

Tae:  For the new readers that just started reading the story, welcome! Please take your time and enjoy, because you'll get to see us grow throughout the story!

Jin: Hope you guys enjoy and will enjoy the next upcoming chapters! That's all for today! (⌒∇⌒)

Tae: Until next time, Tae and Jin out! ✌('ω')

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